'Donald Trump official trading cards' are darker than expected, experts say


Gage Skidmore

When former President Donald Trump announced in December 2022, when investigating companies related to the official trading card of the non-fungible token (NFT), it was discovered that there was a suspicion that it was connected to various past frauds. Former New York Times reporter and best-selling author Kurt Eichenwald points out:

Trump's Trading Card Grift is Worse than You Think

The official trading card `` Donald Trump Digital Trading Card NFTs '' released by former President Trump as a `` serious announcement '' on December 15 is an NFT of $ 99 (about 13,600 yen). The cards feature a variety of former President Trumps, including those dressed in Western suits, spacesuits, and Superman-style costumes.

Donald Trump releases a digital trading card based on himself, and a campaign to win a dinner ticket with Mr. Trump is held at the same time - GIGAZINE

The first thing Eichenwald noticed about this trading card was that it was an NFT. This means that the purchaser is only buying the token tied to the card, not the ownership of the digital art itself.

In addition, if the purchaser sells the card, he will not be able to get all the money, and 10% of the sales amount will be returned to former President Trump and others. Moreover, the purchaser is supposed to be unable to purchase without reading the terms, but when Mr. Eichenwald clicked on the link to read the terms for the purchaser, he was told that the page did not exist as shown below. It was displayed and I was not able to confirm what kind of agreement it was specifically.

Mr. Eichenwald also looks at the rights related to the issuance of trading cards. On the

official trading card page , about the company called NFT International that issued the NFT, ``NFT International is owned by Donald J. Trump, Trump, The Trump Organization, CIC Digital, and the central figures and affiliates of each organization. It is not controlled or operated.NFT International uses Trump's name, likeness and image under paid license from CIC Digital.'

The company CIC Digital, which sold licenses related to former President Trump to NFT International, was founded just nine months before the article was created, and is registered in Delaware. A corporation registered in Delaware can anonymize the names of directors and officers, so if you want to do it, former President Trump can also serve as an officer, director, and shareholder.

In fact, the financial records released by former President Trump during his presidential campaign showed that he owned hundreds of limited liability companies (LLCs), most of which were incorporated in Delaware. It is said that former President Trump also serves as an officer. If former President Trump uses the same method at CIC Digital, former President Trump will be in control of all trading card rights.

I also have some questions about NFT International. The contact information for NFT International on the official trading card page is '6300 Sagewood Drive, Suite 427, Park City, UT', but this is not the location of NFT International. If you actually look at this address on Google Maps Street View, you will see a store of a post office box service company called The UPS Store.

So where is NFT International? Public information about the partnership agreement says it's at 1712 Pioneer Avenue in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Mr. Eichenwald was surprised when he saw this. This is because the address 'Pioneer Street' is the same as the address of a company called 'Wyoming Corporate Services'

reported by Reuters as being involved in the establishment of many paper companies. 'We recognize that any entity, whether it's a shell company or a long-established company, can be used for good or evil,' Gerald Pitts, founder and president of the company, told Reuters. I have answered that

As Mr. Eichenwald further investigated, he arrived at the address '2710 Thomes Avenue' in Cheyenne, Wyoming as the final location of NFT International. The small brick building is registered as an address for 40 companies that Pitts is an executive of, including one accused of fraud by using illegal parts in vehicles delivered to the U.S. military. There is a questioned New York Machinery .

In addition, at least 18 front companies and shell companies used by former Prime Minister Pavlo Lazarenko of Ukraine, who was arrested for financial fraud and rated 'the eighth most corrupt official in the world', to launder embezzled money. Eichenwald points out that a fraudster named Ira N. Rubin who used credit card fraud is also related to this address.

Of course, just because the address is the same as a company related to past fraud and crime does not mean that NFT International is an unscrupulous company. However, Eichenwald said, ``If you were once the leader of the free world, you could be more conscious of due diligence about the companies you do business with, and you should avoid getting involved with companies that are so dubious.'' 'However, Mr. Trump is a charlatan's charlatan. There is no reason to think he is doing anything different.'

in Note, Posted by log1l_ks