A crotch sensor that senses heat is installed at school and students are furious

Cameras are a common sight in public spaces and facilities, but companies are developing all sorts of devices to monitor individuals. A new 'thermal sensing device' was installed in the school, so students raised anger at the sudden surveillance.

Students Rebel Against Heat-Sensing Crotch Monitor Surveillance Devices | Hackaday

The heat-sensing devices installed at Northeastern University in the United States were placed under desks in each classroom, facing the crotch. The device detects when a person or some warm object sits on the chair and determines if the desk (or chair) is in use.

It is noteworthy that the sensor was installed overnight without the students' knowledge, and the students were sensitive to the sudden appearance of the anomalous hardware. Since Northeastern University also has an institution specializing in privacy called the Institute of Cyber Security and Privacy, there are many students who are well versed in privacy issues, and it is thought that the response was great.

The student contacted the university and asked for an explanation, but the explanation was not sufficient to relieve the student's anxiety, and it became clear that the university had not obtained ethical approval, which caused the student's anger. said to have exploded. The university insisted that the device didn't need ethical approval because the sensor tracks heat, not humans, but this didn't work for the students.

The thermal sensing devices were removed all at once by the students, and some of them were used to make the letters 'NO!' In addition, students will submit an open letter asking them to permanently remove their devices. Students questioned the need for sensors because the devices were not ethically approved and caused students anxiety, and because access control systems already in place monitor classroom conditions. The reason was that it would be presented.

As a result, the university accepted the students' request and removed all the devices.

in Hardware, Posted by log1p_kr