In Germany, a conspiracy theory group plans a coup d'état aimed at overthrowing the state, and 25 people, including the aristocratic descendant 'Heilich XIII', are arrested

by Boris Roessler/dpa via AP
German authorities arrested 25 members of a far-right group and their supporters on Wednesday, December 7, 2022, on suspicion of plotting a violent coup for believing in conspiracy theories and plotting to overthrow the German government. announced that it did. Among those arrested were descendants of German aristocrats, retired paratroopers, and former judges.
GBA: Festnahmen von 25 mutmaßlichen Mitgliedern und Unterstützern einer | Presseportal
Suspected German coup plot spawns dozens of arrests | AP News
Germany arrests 25 people over far-right coup plot
A total of 25 people were arrested this time, including 22 Germans who are members of a terrorist organization whose official name has not yet been revealed, 2 Germans who are believed to be supporters, and 1 Russian. Police raids were conducted simultaneously in 150 locations across Germany, including Berlin and Baden-Württemberg, as well as in Austria and Italy. A court-ordered search for an additional 27 suspects is also ongoing.

by AP Photo/Michael Probst
Among those arrested is Heinrich XIII Prince Reuss, 71, a descendant of the Reuss
The 25 suspects arrested this time belong to a terrorist organization established by the end of November 2021 at the latest. A collection of conspiracy theories and myths consisting of stories.”
The Reichsbürger Movement, a group that denies the existence of the Federal Republic of Germany after World War II and believes that the German Empire still exists, is treated as a far-right extremist group due to its willingness to use violence. It is
The group of suspects is also influenced by American conspiracy theories, firmly believing that the German government is controlled by the so-called ' Deep State ', and has made concrete plans to participate in its violent removal. It is said that he was carrying out preparations.

Preparatory activities included discussions on the administrative structure of the new state and the recruitment of new members, with the 'Council' led by Henry XIII at the center of it. After overthrowing the German government, this council plans to build a new ruling system with Heirich XIII as its leader, and after the new government is established, it will work with the Allies, that is, the victorious nations of World War II. They were planning to negotiate a new order. We also contacted the Russian government as the point of contact for the Allies, but there was no response from the Russian government.
In addition, the council had a 'military department' led by a former officer of the German Army Special Forces, which was responsible for procuring equipment and conducting shooting training. Authorities made the arrests on suspicion that these activities violated German criminal law, which prohibits acts of terrorism and their support.
Germany's Interior Minister Nancy Feser said at a press conference: 'This investigation demonstrates the depth of the terrorist threat within Reichsbürger. Further investigation will reveal how far the coup plot went. ' He also posted on Twitter, 'We fought back against the enemies of democracy with all our might.'
Wir wehren uns mit aller Härte gegen die Feinde der Demokratie. Die Ermittlungen lassen in den Abgrund einer terroristischen Bedrohung durch #Reichsbürger blicken.
— Nancy Faeser (@NancyFaeser) December 7, 2022
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