Fake news that 'Tesla and semiconductor company establish joint venture' spreads one after another



Information that 'Tesla has established a joint venture with the semiconductor company 'Annex'' was sent on multiple websites that transmit Tesla-related information. However, it has been reported by overseas media Electrek that the semiconductor company 'Annex' was a fictitious company.

Tesla blogs propagate fake news of chip joint venture, but why? | Electrek

The information in question was sent from two Tesla-related information sites on November 27, 2022, saying that ``Tesla has established a joint venture with the semiconductor company ``Annex''. It is known from the description that this information was based on an article published on October 31, 2022 by the Chinese news site “JW Insights”. However, as a result of Electrek asking a person familiar with semiconductors about 'Annex', no one knew about the company 'Annex'.

The following image is a list of business establishments posted on the 'Annex' website. It is written that it is based in Munich, Germany, and it is appealing that it has offices in other countries around the world, including Minato-ku, Tokyo. However, the phone number listed was a fictitious phone number.

Also, the image on the left below was posted as an in-house chip on the 'Annex' website, but it looks like a processed image (right) of AMD's Ryzen series. Furthermore, as a result of analyzing the 'Annex' website, it is also known that the website was created in China.

Electrek concludes from the above findings that ``'Annex' cannot be considered to be a real company,'' and ``even websites claiming to be experts in their respective fields publish articles without scrutinizing their sources. It may be posted, and caution is required when obtaining information on the Internet.'

In addition, the Tesla information site TESLARATI, which sent false information, said, ``I posted an article about the establishment of a joint venture between Tesla and Annex. I posted a tweet and added that it was false information to the article in question.

[Updated - Corrected] Tesla China denies rumored

in Vehicle, Posted by log1o_hf