NVIDIA calls attention to ``Check if the insertion is complete'' about the connector melting problem of GeForce RTX 4090

NVIDIA's GPU 'GeForce RTX 4090' has been reported one after another to melt the connector, and as a result of more than 50 reports compiled by NVIDIA, there are cases where the connector is not completely inserted. .

Power Connector Update – GeForce RTX 4090 | NVIDIA


The connector melting issue surrounding the RTX 4090 was reported immediately after its release, and was initially thought to be due to the structure of the cable connector that NVIDIA shipped with the RTX 4090.

GeForce RTX 4090's melting problem is likely to be a cable problem rather than a GPU - GIGAZINE

About this matter, NVIDIA investigated more than 50 cases. As a result, we conclude that many problems are due to incomplete mating of the connector. The connector in the fully inserted state looks like this.

On the other hand, an imperfect insertion leaves a small amount of space.

NVIDIA recommends plugging the power dongle into the graphics card first and making sure the connector is fully and evenly inserted before plugging the graphics card into the motherboard to ensure that the connector is firmly seated. .

Prior to NVIDIA's announcement, Mr. Steve Burke of YouTuber channel Gamers Nexus also verified himself and demonstrated that the connector melts if the insertion is incomplete.

The Truth About NVIDIA's RTX 4090 Adapters: Testing, X-Ray, & 12VHPWR Failures-YouTube

in Hardware,   Video, Posted by logc_nt