A large number of fake accounts pretending to be official are occurring as Twitter makes it possible to purchase verified badges

Twitter, which was acquired by Elon Musk, released `` New Twitter Blue '' on November 10, 2022, which allows users to purchase verified badges as one of their revenue improvement measures. This has made it possible for anyone to purchase verified badges, and it has been reported that the number of 'impersonated accounts that have purchased verified badges' is rapidly increasing.

Fake verified posts on Twitter are getting way more serious | Mashable

Twitter has long used a blue checkmark, known as a 'verified badge,' to easily identify official Twitter accounts of celebrities and companies. However, after Twitter was acquired by Elon Musk, Mr. Musk immediately mentioned that he would be preparing a ``new plan that allows you to purchase verified badges'' in order to improve Twitter's profits. Then, on November 10th, we released ``New Twitter Blue'' where you can purchase verified badges. As a result, anyone could obtain a certified badge by paying 1,200 yen per month.

Elon Musk officially releases ``New Twitter Blue'' where you can buy verified badges for 1200 yen per month, gray official check mark will be abolished immediately - GIGAZINE

After verified badges became available for purchase, accounts such as those that ``obtained a verified badge and posted fake sports news'' appeared, but these types of accounts quickly disappeared.

Instead, a large number of accounts are emerging that acquire verified badges and impersonate companies, political organizations, politicians, celebrities, etc. An example of a post by an impersonated account that has obtained a verified badge is as follows.

An account impersonating the American pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly & Company tweeted, 'We are pleased to announce that insulin is now free,' and an account impersonating the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a lobbyist organization. tweeted 'We Love Apartheid,' an account impersonating the food company Chiquita tweeted 'We overthrew the Brazilian government,' and an account impersonating Elon Musk's electric car maker Tesla. The account tweets, ``Breaking news: The second Tesla has collided with the World Trade Center building,'' and the content is too malicious to be called a joke.

Chiquita's official Twitter account posted an apology tweet saying, ``We apologize to anyone who received misleading messages from a fake Chiquita account. We have never overthrown a government since 1954.'' doing. However, the tweet had been deleted at the time of article creation.

An account called @LockheedMartini impersonating Lockheed Martin said: ``We are suspending all arms sales to Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the United States pending further investigation into human rights violations against these countries.'' '', and an account impersonating American Girl , a children's doll maker, tweeted, ``Lucky I own slaves.''

Additionally, a Pepsi impersonation account tweeted, ``Coca-Cola is better.''

A Nestlé impersonation account tweeted, ``We steal your water and sell you water (lol).''

Furthermore, an account impersonating politician Ted Cruz tweeted, ``When I entered my human wife for the first time, I moaned in her ear, ``This is exactly how my mother said it would feel.'' doing.

Many of the tweets from these spoofed accounts are political, so imagine the damage that tweets from spoofed accounts could do to an election.On a global scale, the impact may not be that severe. However, it could have a very serious impact on the future of Mr. Musk and Twitter,'' writes foreign media Mashable.

in Web Service,   , Posted by logu_ii