I do not know what is true and what is false information in the video ``In Event of Moon Disaster'' reproduced based on deep fakes and materials at the time ``If mankind's first moon landing by Apollo 11 failed'' level

On July 20, 1969,

Apollo 11 successfully landed the first man on the moon. ' In Event of Moon Disaster ' is a video reproduced by making full use of valuable materials and deep fakes at the time, assuming that the moon landing failed. Since the video was created using deepfakes based on footage and materials from the time, it is finished at a level where it is impossible to tell which part of the video is correct information and which part is false information.

In Event of the Moon Disaster

When accessing the above URL, ``In 1969, the world focused on Apollo 11 to see the moon landing.The risk of landing was so high that a speech manuscript was prepared in case the mission failed. Thankfully, this speech was never shown.Until now...' is displayed. Click the screen.

Then, 'Can you identify deep fakes?' Is displayed on the screen, so click either 'YES' or 'NO'.

When the video starts, 'This is CBS News' color version of 'Man On the Moon'. It is sent by CBS News correspondent Walter Cronkite from Kennedy Space Center's Apollo program headquarters,' the news at the time in 1969 A video will flow.

Next, a Cronkite correspondent said, 'Three Apollo 11 astronauts Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins will soon depart on a journey to the moon landing that mankind has dreamed of. Naturally, the destination is the moon ', You can see that the video started just before the launch of Apollo 11.

'So now, in this busy morning, even just a little, we need to think of these three men. Let's think about the burdens and hopes they carry for all mankind.'

Subsequently, a local reporter commented, ``Apollo 11 will finally be launched in 60 seconds.''

Apollo 11 is approaching launch every moment

Mission Control Center watching the launch of Apollo 11

Ignite the rocket with the voice of 'ignition sequence start'.

All kinds of people are looking at the rocket flying in the sky with a telescope in hand, and even reporters say, 'What a moment!'

A local reporter exclaimed, 'Oh no, it's just wonderful.'

Next, Captain Armstrong, who boarded Apollo 11, which left for the moon, said, 'Hello, Houston. Hello, Houston. This is Apollo 11. I can hear your voice clearly. Over.' Start communication.

Mission control replied, 'Everything is going well.'

Next, Astronaut Aldrin said, ``I can see the sun and the earth outside the window.'' ``We are approaching the moon, and it is getting bigger.''

However, the situation suddenly changes around the time Collins tells Mission Control, ``It's flowing forward, a little to the right.''

A warning sound rang out inside the ship, and Captain Armstrong reported to mission control that 'alarm is ringing' and 'alarm 1201'.

The image gradually becomes distorted, and the alarm continues to ring amid voices saying, 'This is terrible' and 'What's going on?'

The screen will then go black and the alarm will go off.

Next, the screen 'CBS News Special Report' was displayed.

Richard Nixon , the President of the United States at the time, appeared. ``Good evening, Americans. In a roundabout way, it announced that the moon landing had failed.

'Intrepid astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin have found no hope of recovery, but we know there is hope for humanity at their sacrifice. They will be remembered by their families and friends as they dedicated their lives to humanity's highest goal: the quest for truth and understanding. They will be mourned by all of America, and not just by America, but by the whole world, and I will send them both into the unknown. Thank you to the two great mothers who sent me on a quest for the stars, and on their sacrifices, humanity will strengthen the bond.In ancient times, people looked at the stars. , found heroes in the constellations.And today, we also see heroes in the stars in the same way.However, these heroes are real people.After this, other people will follow them into space. , and will surely succeed in returning to Earth.The human inquisitiveness cannot be denied.However, they have been engraved in our hearts for the rest of our lives.From now on, the moon at night. Everyone who looks up will feel their presence somewhere in another corner of the world, ”he said, ending the president's speech.

In addition, after the video is played, a screen will appear where you can answer which part of the video or speech content is correct information and which part is false information, so which part of the video is displayed. If you are wondering which part is true and false, please visit the site and try to answer.

in Video, Posted by logu_ii