The launch and docking of the last module 'Meng Tian', which constitutes China's own space station 'Tiangong', is completed

China, which is locked out of the International Space Station (ISS), is building its own space station, '
As Last Module Docks, China Completes Its Space Station - The New York Times
China's space station takes final shape with arrival of Mengtian module | South China Morning Post
Final module docks at China's Tiangong space station - SpaceNews
The Tiangong Project is a project that aims to build China's own space station, and since the launch of the Tiangong 1 test vehicle in 2011, it has progressed little by little over the course of 10 years.
In 2021, as the first module, the core module ' Tenwa ' responsible for habitation, guidance, navigation, control, life support, electrical system, etc. will be launched . Successful launch of Tenwa and docking with Tenwa. Then, on October 31, the second experimental building and the last module, 'Muten,' was launched, and 13 hours after the launch, it was successfully docked with the Amamiya main body.
You can see the launch of Yumeten by watching the following video.
China launches Mengtian, final module to complete Tiangong space station-YouTube
Meng Tian, like its two previous modules, was launched on a Chinese Long March 5B rocket.

Officials celebrating a successful launch.

Muten is an experimental building with a length of 17.9m, a diameter of 4.2m, and a weight of about 22 tons. According to the China Manned Space Project Administration Office (CMSA), the total volume is 110 m 3 , of which 32 m 3 is a space where astronauts can exercise, but there are no bedrooms or toilets.

Muten is designed to conduct various scientific experiments such as fluid physics, material chemistry, and combustion under microgravity. is provided. In addition, since Muten has a cargo airlock, it is also possible to use Amagu's small robotic arm to attach experimental equipment to the outside of the spacecraft to study the effects of cosmic radiation.

After reaching outer space, Muten was separated from the rocket and headed to the docking point with Amamiya using its own propulsion mechanism.
You can check the docking between Muten and Amamiya in the video below.
In preparation for docking with Muten, Tenwa and Monten are rearranged in an 'L' shape on orbit 380km above the ground.

Thirteen hours after the launch, Muten and Amamiya were successfully docked.

The Amamiya at the time of writing the article is as follows, but it will be rearranged in a symmetrical shape later.

Tengu is scheduled to continue operating for at least 10 years, and there are plans to accept foreign astronauts in the future. Also, at the time of writing the article, it consists of three modules, but it is said that it is possible to expand the modules up to six.

In addition, the Long March 5B rocket used for the launch this time has often been reported to have fallen to the earth in an uncontrolled state, and there are also voices that view safety as a problem. In response, CMSA claims that the Long March 5B rocket used for this launch has been adjusted.
A Chinese rocket with more than 20 tons will fall in ``out of control'' in a few days - GIGAZINE

China's Long March 5B rocket is expected to fall to the earth in an ``uncontrollable state'', the current position is here-GIGAZINE

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