The European Space Agency will launch the technology demonstration satellite ``Eagle-1'' in 2024 to realize quantum key distribution technology using satellites

In order to demonstrate the feasibility of `` quantum key distribution (QKD) technology '' that further enhances network security, the European Space Agency (ESA) has announced a policy to launch the satellite `` Eagle-1 '' in 2024. Eagle-1 will be tested in orbit for three years.

ESA - Quantum encryption to boost European autonomy

Europe plans to launch a quantum encryption satellite in 2024 |

QKD technology utilizes the principles of quantum mechanics to distribute cryptographic keys in a manner that allows immediate detection of network snooping attempts. Eagle-1 is Europe's first satellite-based QKD system and has the potential to lead to a more secure communications network.

Eagle-1 is a small low-earth orbit satellite with a size of 660 pounds (about 300 kg), developed and operated by a space company SES based in Luxembourg and a coalition of more than 20 European companies.

Elodie Viau, Director of Telecommunications and Integrated Applications at ESA, said: 'This effort requires robust cryptographic keys and the technology to enable their secure distribution. and is proud to build a highly secure and autonomous quantum key distribution system for Eagle-1.ESA has helped the European space industry succeed by aligning the industry around a large program. and enable a dramatic improvement in competitiveness.”

ESA Executive Director Josef Aschbacher said: 'Europe's space program is experiencing tremendous momentum from both a technical and commercial perspective. The next generation of future-proof projects can be developed and implemented in space: Led by ESA, partly funded by the European Commission and operated by SES, Eagle-1 is a secure and scalable European quantum communication It is a big step towards the realization of infrastructure.'

The reason why Eagle-1 is described as 'Europe's first satellite-based QKD system' is because the Chinese Academy of Sciences has already launched the quantum chemistry experimental satellite 'Quezi (QUESS)' in August 2016. . In addition, the space experiment module 'Tiangong 2' launched by China in September 2016 was also equipped with experimental equipment for quantum key distribution and quantum communication experiments from space to the ground.

in Science, Posted by logc_nt