Amazon's satellite internet 'Project Kuiper' to launch in Q1 2023

On October 12, 2022, Amazon will complete two prototype satellites of 'Project Kuiper', which aims to bring affordable internet to the world, by the end of 2022, and in the first quarter of 2023. announced plans to launch This launch is attracting particular attention as it will also be the maiden flight of a rocket equipped with an American domestic engine, which is rushing to break away from Russia's dependence on rocket technology.

Amazon's Project Kuiper test satellites to fly on first Vulcan Centaur rocket

Amazon to launch two Project Kuiper satellites on Vulcan's first flight - SpaceNews

Amazon switches Kuiper satellites to ULA's first Vulcan launch

Launched in 2019, Amazon's `` Project Kuiper '' is a satellite constellation plan that surrounds the earth with 3236 satellites and enables 95% of all humans to use broadband communication. In 2022, we have signed contracts with aerospace companies Arianespace, Blue Origin, and United Launch Alliance (ULA) to launch half of the 3,236 by 2026.

Amazon's ``Project Kuiper'', which builds the Internet with 3236 satellites, contracts with 3 companies such as Arianespace and plans to launch up to 83 rockets-GIGAZINE

The announcement revealed that the first two prototype satellites of Amazon's satellite project, Kuipersat-1 and Kuipersat-2, will launch on the maiden flight of ULA's Vulcan Centaur rocket.

The Vulcan Centaur rocket was originally intended to be powered by Russian-made rocket engines, but its completion was delayed for years after Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014 put it out of service. However, with the completion of Blue Origin's rocket engine ' BE-4 ', which had been difficult to develop and test, the launch was finally realized.

ULA CEO Tory Bruno said the first Vulcan Centaur is nearing completion at ULA's plant in Alabama, waiting to be fitted with the BE-4 engine. 'We plan to deliver the completed rocket to the launch site in Cape Canaveral, Florida in November,' he said.

by N2e

In the first launch of the Vulcan Centaur rocket, in addition to two Project Kuiper satellites, Astrobotic's lunar lander ' Peregrine ' and a private space company Celestis payload will be launched at the same time.

“We couldn’t be happier to be part of the first launch of ULA’s Vulcan Centaur,” said Project Kuiper Vice President of Technology Rajeev Badyal in a statement. By using this rocket in this prototype mission, it will be possible to master the satellite mission prior to the full-scale commercial launch.The prototype satellite is scheduled to be completed by the end of this year. I am looking forward to launching with ULA.'

in Ride, Posted by log1l_ks