A game preservation group seeks financial assistance to win two phantom Nintendo software including a power glove game

Although it was developed for the overseas version family computer 'NES', two game software that was never released were exhibited on eBay, an Internet auction site. One of the game software being exhibited was developed for the glove-type controller ' Power Glove ', and the founder of the game preservation organization is seeking financial support for the successful bid due to its high historical value. increase.
Two never-published NES games are up for auction on eBay - The Verge
Unreleased game software was discovered on eBay by Frank Chifaldi, founder of the non-profit organization Video Game History Foundation , which preserves games. Mr. Cifaldi says that he discovers unreleased games about once every five years, but this time he said he discovered two games at the same time. Mr. Chifaldi reveals that the Video Game History Foundation lacks funds and is seeking financial support for the game bidding.
????Attention video game preservation fans with money to spare????
—Frank Cifaldi (PRGE).nes (@frankcifaldi) October 11, 2022
There are currently TWO unreleased, one-of-a-kind, never-digitized games for the original NES on eBay right now. This has literally never happened before. Our resources are stretched thin, and we could use help. pic.twitter. com/54ym603mHM
One of the games Cifaldi discovered also came with the original packaging that was supposed to have been sent to Nintendo. said. In addition, from the illustrations included in the original package and the title 'THE BATTLEFIELDS OF NAPOLEON', the discovered game is considered to be the overseas version of ' Napoleon Senki ' sold by Airem in Japan.
Both of these are really cool. The first one, Battlefields of Napoleon, is a completed game. And when I say 'completed,' I mean the packaging is done! It comes with the actual files that would be mailed to Nintendo for printing! Using these we can make perfect digital versions.pic.twitter.com/VOnUAgDHb0
—Frank Cifaldi (PRGE).nes (@frankcifaldi) October 11, 2022
The other game software is below. From the attached label, it can be read that the software was prepared for exhibition at the game trade fair ' CES ' by the game development company ' Rare ', which is known for developing masterpiece games such as ' GoldenEye 007 '. increase. According to Mr. Chifaldi, this game was developed exclusively for the glove type controller 'Power Glove'. Mr. Cifaldi said, ``Everyone loves Power Gloves, but do you know that only one game dedicated to Power Gloves has been released?'' Emphasizing the historical value of the game he discovered .
The other is less complete, but maybe more interesting. It's a demo game specifically for the Power Glove, and it was developed by Rare! Everyone loves the Power Glove, but did you know there's only one released game that actually takes advantage of it? Well, here's a second! pic.twitter.com/4Ia4FiSNGL
—Frank Cifaldi (PRGE).nes (@frankcifaldi) October 11, 2022
According to Mr. Cifaldi, the exhibitor of the overseas version of Napoleon Senki is the former developer of the same game, and the exhibitor of the power glove exclusive game is the game designer's wife. Mr. Cifaldi expects the winning bid for both games to be between $50,000 and $100,000 (approximately 7.3 million to 15 million yen). We are looking for
Ok we have a system that's going well so I'll give explicit instructions:
—Frank Cifaldi (PRGE).nes (@frankcifaldi) October 11, 2022
If you'd like to throw down, DM me the amount you're able to give and I'll add you to the list. If I win one or both I'll hit you up after the fact. We're over $4 k already!
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in Hardware, Posted by log1o_hf