An AI-equipped turret that automatically locks on and burns cockroaches with a laser appears

Cockroaches are a source of trouble for many people, so there should be many people who say, ``If AI that automatically exterminates cockroaches appears, I definitely want to use it.'' An AI-equipped automatic laser turret has been developed to realize such a person's dream.
Please note that this article contains images and images of cockroaches, so please be careful if you are not good at it.
Full article: Selective neutralization and deterring of cockroaches with laser automation by machine vision
Scientists Create AI-Powered Laser Turret That Kills Cockroaches
This time, Ildar Rakhmatulin of Heriot-Watt University in England developed a laser device that automatically tracks and exterminates cockroaches. He has previously developed a device that automatically detects mosquitoes and burns them with a laser.
A Raspberry PI machine that automatically detects mosquitoes and destroys them with a laser is born - GIGAZINE

by Andrew 'FastLizard4' Adams
In addition, in a paper published in the peer-reviewed journal Oriental Insects on September 21, 2022, Mr. Rakhmatulin announced a laser device that detects cockroaches with high accuracy and neutralizes them from a distance of up to 1.2 meters. . Details such as equipment parts and design drawings are open source, and demonstration movies that actually exterminate cockroaches are also released.
0.5W Laser for kill cockroach-Open Source-YouTube
A cockroach is put in a transparent case.
When the laser hits, the cockroach will run away.

However, the laser is mercilessly irradiated even at the point of escape.

After that, the laser continued to chase the escaping cockroach, and finally the cockroach turned over and stopped moving.
Rakhmatulin adopted NVIDIA's small computer,

It is dangerous to see a laser powerful enough to burn a cockroach to death, so unfortunately it is not possible to use a powerful laser at home as it is. However, this device, which uses AI to identify cockroaches and targets them with a laser, is a promising pest control technology that can replace pesticides that destroy the environment and kill non-pest creatures. The research team says that the fact that it is inexpensive (about 36,000 yen or less) is also an advantage.
In addition, since cockroaches have a habit of hiding in dark places, the research team conducted an experiment in which a low-power laser was irradiated to cockroaches hiding under the evacuation space, and the cockroaches no longer took actions to hide in the dark. For this reason, Rakhmatulin and colleagues conclude that there is a possibility that cockroaches can be exterminated without using a laser powerful enough to instantly burn them.

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