I tried drinking 'Calpis Ripe Tomatoes', which is a blend of Kagome's ripe tomatoes in that sweet Calpis, in various ways

From Asahi Beverage, Calpis' first tomato flavor, `` Calpis Ripe Tomato '', appeared on August 23, 2022. It is a blend of ripe tomatoes from Kagome, which is known for its tomato juice, and has a sweet and sour yet fruity taste. I was really curious about what kind of tomato-flavored Calpis tasted, so I actually tried it.
``Calpis Ripe Tomato'' Released for a limited time from August 23rd ``Calpis'' first tomato flavor using Kagome's ripe tomato ingredients | News Release 2022 | Company Information | Asahi Beverages
I bought 'Calpis Ripe Tomato'.

It is appealed in the package as 'use of Kagome tomatoes'.

The calorie is 49 kcal per 20 ml of undiluted solution for one cup. Dilute it 5 times before drinking. Raw material names include 'sugar', 'milk', and 'tomato concentrated juice'.

First, I poured the undiluted solution into a transparent cup.

The usual Calpis undiluted solution is ``light yellowish white'', but the undiluted solution of this ``Calpis ripe tomato'' has a diluted red color of tomato.
I diluted it 5 times with water and drank it. When you touch it with your tongue, you can feel the rich sweetness of Calpis, but at the same time, you can also feel the unique aroma and sourness of tomatoes. The green smell of tomatoes is not so strong, but people who dislike tomatoes may be interested. The aftertaste and the scent that remains in the mouth are completely tomato, and it feels like 'the taste is Calpis, but the scent and aftertaste are tomato juice'. The sourness of the tomato makes the sweet and sour taste stronger, and the aroma of the tomato makes it more fruity.

This time I divided it with carbonated water and drank it.

The sweetness of Calpis is washed away by the stimulation of carbonic acid, leaving a little tomato flavor. It has an image of lingering umami on the tongue rather than sourness, and the scent of tomato also passes through the nose. The editorial staff who tasted it said, 'I think it's a fruity Calpis, but later I felt a tomato or vegetable-like scent.'

I also tried 'Calpis Ripe Tomatoes' with milk, which has a richer taste than water.

When I drank it, it became thicker and the taste of dairy products became stronger and the mouthfeel became mellow, so I felt that the sourness of tomatoes was emphasized more, and the taste of tomatoes was clearer than when diluted with water. I can now understand.

Finally, since the package introduced how to drink 'Calpis' with tomato juice ...

I was wondering what happened to the tomato juice split of 'Calpis ripe tomato', so I tried it. Tomato juice is Kagome's tomato juice prepared with tomatoes used in 'Calpis Ripe Tomatoes'.

We will divide the reddish 'Calpis ripe tomato' undiluted solution with bright red tomato juice. The recipe recommends diluting the undiluted solution: tomato juice at a ratio of 1:5, so it seems to be thinner than the usual 5-fold dilution with water.

When I drank it, the tomato flavor was clearly superior to the Calpis flavor, but the sweetness of Calpis remained. The green smell peculiar to tomatoes is slightly mild by the flavor of Calpis, and the sweetness feels like supporting the flavor of tomatoes. From the editorial staff who tasted it, ``It may be like this when fruit tomatoes with a very high sugar content are ripened and made into juice.'' It's also different.It feels like a tomato smoothie with a sweet taste.'

``Calpis ripe tomato'' can be purchased at supermarkets nationwide from Tuesday, August 23, 2022 for 497 yen including tax. Since it is said that it is for a limited time, it is better to check it early if you are interested. It is also available on Amazon.co.jp, and you can purchase a set of 12 for 3897 yen including tax at the time of article creation.
Amazon | Asahi Beverage Calpis Ripe Tomato 470ml x 12 [For Dilution] | Calpis | Lactic Beverage Mail Order

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