``Play that destroys human boats'' is prevalent among killer whales in the waters near Europe


Chad Sparkes

Killer whales are known to be ferocious hunters of the sea, and recent studies have shown that even great white sharks run away at full speed. It was reported that ``games that attack human ships'' may be popular among such killer whales.

Orcas attack boats off coast of Spain and Portugal, leaving scientists stumped : NPR

Orcas are attacking boats near Europe.

According to a report by the American public radio network NPR, there have been reports of killer whales attacking boats and yachts off the coasts of Europe such as Portugal, Spain and France and destroying the rudders that operate the ships in recent years. thing. There have been no injuries or deaths so far, but on July 31, 2022, a five-seater yacht was sunk by a killer whale attack.

The latest known incident was an attack that occurred in early August 2022. Ester Kristine Storkson and her father were attacked by a group of killer whales while sailing off the coast of France to Morocco for a round-the-world yacht. When the hull was examined after the attack lasted about 15 minutes, it seems that the rudder was broken and it was only a quarter.

Storkson said when he was attacked by a killer whale, ``I got the impression that it was an organized attack because the killer whale rushed into the boat and attacked repeatedly.''

Fortunately, Mr. Storkson and others were able to maneuver with the remaining rudder and call at the French coast, but off the coast of Portugal, two ships were attacked by killer whales, one of which sank, and the remaining one. was also

reportedly stranded and towed to a nearby dock.

According to Renaud de Stephanis, representative and coordinator of Spain-based cetacean research group CIRCE Conservación Information and Research, such a thing is unusual. For this reason, it was thought that all the killer whales attacking the ship were from the same pod.

Also, why killer whales target ship rudders is a mystery. Some scientists hypothesize that killer whales like the water pressure generated by a ship's screw propeller. In other words, the killer whales will attack the rudder to get the water flow to hit their face, but if they can't enjoy the water pressure when the engine is not running, they will get frustrated and destroy the rudder. .

However, there are reports of cases that cannot be explained by this hypothesis. In the movie below, it shows how the ship that is sailing with the engine running is being attacked by a killer whale.

Our delivery Yacht had a serious interaction with a large pod of Orcas-YouTube

A ship moving through the waves and multiple killer whales swimming right next to it. Martin Evans, who posted the video, said: 'They spent their time ramming the rudder over and over again, and I saw one of the killer whales swim away with a large piece of the rudder in its mouth. I did.”

When Mr. Evans inspected the ship, the rudder was destroyed, as expected. Evans described the event as ``a humiliating experience that I would never want to experience again. It was a magnificent experience and I will never forget it.”

The rudder of a ship with a running engine was also targeted, suggesting that young killer whales may simply be fascinated by moving parts. According to Jared Towers of Bay Cetology, a cetacean research institute in British Columbia, these kinds of games are repeating fashion and obsolescence in killer whale society.

'In the 1990s, killer whales in parts of the Pacific used to swim around with killed fish on their heads, but that's gone,' Towers said.

in Creature,   Video, Posted by log1l_ks