The latest survey reveals that one-third of Americans think the government 'needs an armed uprising' because it is corrupt

According to a recent study by the University of Chicago's Institute of Political Science, the majority of Americans believe that the US government is 'corrupted,' and about one-third think that 'an immediate armed uprising is needed.' It became clear that.
Our Precarious Democracy Extreme Polarization and Alienation in Our Politics
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Nearly one in three Americans say it may soon be necessary to take up arms against the government | The Hill
The University of Chicago Institute of Politics (IOP), the University of Chicago's Political Institute, collaborates with political research firms Public Opinion Strategies and Benenson Strategy Group on May 19, 2022 for 1,000 voters. A public opinion poll was conducted from the 23rd to the 23rd.

According to the survey, about three-quarters (73%) of Republican supporters said, 'Democratic supporters are generally bullies and try to impose on those who oppose their political beliefs. I answered. In response, 74% of Democratic supporters have shown similar responses to Republican supporters. And the majority of Republican and Democratic supporters say that the supporters of the other party are 'generally untrue and impose disinformation.'
Regarding the results of this survey, IOP researchers said, 'We have recorded the partisan bias of the United States for many years, but the results of this poll show the partisan consciousness that is spreading in this country. It is a more straightforward representation of the deep division of. '
In addition, 49% of those who participated in the questionnaire survey 'have started avoiding political discussions', and a quarter 'have lost friends due to political discussions', also 4 One-half said they 'became avoiding friends and relatives because of political debate,' and 38% said they 'have quit friends or followed because of political issues.' .. In addition, 20% said they had 'experienced quitting social media altogether because of political views and conversations,' and 26% said 'because of the political stance taken by a brand or company.' , I have quit trading with that brand or company. '

And it's also clear that many believe that the main cause of this political division is in the news media, with more than half saying 'friends or relatives because of the media they consume. 'It has changed.' And 'Political disagreements are not pure disagreements, but'where the information was obtained'.' In addition, 48% of the survey participants said, 'American news content creators (reporters, editors, casters, etc.) are not trying to convey'the facts that are as unbiased as possible', but' their views. I'm trying to convey it, 'and you can see that he has doubts about the biased coverage of the news.
It was also found that 78% of the respondents revealed that they were sourced from local media reports, and 66% were sourced from major news media on the nationwide network. Of these, national newspapers such as the Washington Post, the New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal received relatively high praise when asked about the news media, 'Are you trying to convey the news in good faith?' On the contrary, cable TV networks and social media have a low reputation as 'honest information providers'.
The least reliable are social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok. Young voters under the age of 34 have been shown to make these social media an important source of information, but the 'integrity' of the information has been rated low. For example, 52% of survey respondents collect news and political information via Facebook, but only 22% feel that Facebook's information is honest.

In the survey, two-thirds of Republicans and independents and 51% of Democrats said that 'the US government is corrupt and cheating on the general public.' In addition, 28% of the survey participants (37% if only gun owners) said that 'it may be necessary in the near future for citizens to use force against the government.' I am.
In addition, another survey also revealed that the majority of Americans expect that a second civil war will occur in the near future, and many Americans are concerned about the domestic situation. You can see.
Most Americans predict that the outbreak of civil war is near, and nearly 80% say 'violence is OK' at the end of the century --GIGAZINE

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