Headline News on July 14, 2022

The short PV of ' PUI PUI Molcar DRIVING SCHOOL ' scheduled to be broadcast from October 2022 has been released.
'PUI PUI Molcar DRIVING SCHOOL' will start broadcasting in October 2022! | Short PV --YouTube
This work is a sequel to 'PUI PUI Molcar' broadcast in 2021, and Tomoki Misato, who was the director in the previous work, became a supervisor, and Hana Ono, who was a member of the production staff in the previous work, will be the director. I will serve. Dialogue videos are available on YouTube.
'PUI PUI Molker DRIVING SCHOOL' Interview with Tomoki Misato and Hana Ono Vol.1: Thank you for the production decision! Hen-YouTube
By the way, I posted this article on the same day of the same month in the past.
Power plant starts mining saying 'Bitcoin mining is more profitable than electricity sales' --GIGAZINE
Bitcoin totaling 45 billion yen is confiscated from one woman --GIGAZINE
The repair price of Tesla cars is 22 times that of private companies at the official service center, what is the lesson of 'right to repair'? --GIGAZINE
Interview with George Iida, the original author of 'NIGHT HEAD', put the feeling of answer to the old work in the animation 'NIGHT HEAD 2041' --GIGAZINE
Softbank considers selling Arm-GIGAZINE
Research result that 'what parents experienced is inherited and passed on to offspring' --GIGAZINE
What is the history of 'steel' that is indispensable for the development of humankind? --GIGAZINE
An accident occurred in which a fisherman who rescued a whale was killed by a whale immediately afterwards --GIGAZINE
19th century occult encyclopedia 'Dictionnaire Infernal' that collects information and illustrations of demons from ancient times to east and west --GIGAZINE
What happens to your body after you die? --GIGAZINE
I actually made ice with 'Ice Saku', which can make transparent round ice with few bubbles and put things inside. --GIGAZINE
The 60th Ise Jingu Dedication National Fireworks Festival, I have taken pictures of the venue until the fireworks launch --GIGAZINE
Movie & photo summary of 'Ise Jingu Dedication National Fireworks Festival' where fireworks artists from all over the country compete for craftsmanship --GIGAZINE
◆ Neta (memo, various other things)
[Graffiti] Leave it to this guy to get rid of mosquitoes
— Hound Saturday East District “Shi” Block-63a (@ Hound_7) June 10, 2022
'Isn't it similar to the 76mm gun of Oto Melara if you make the Earth Nomad gray and attach a ballpoint pen?'
Mosquitoes are not afraid if there is one in each house.
Uchi-kata-beginning. (DOM! DOM! DOM!) Pic.twitter.com/27nkTgmr4k
If you send it as it is, you will get angry pic.twitter.com/nT49KYcWY5
— Nenemaru (@nenemaruco) July 13, 2022
There is no concept of 'pucking' umbrellas and chari in Adachi Ward, and it is a feeling that you share the blessings of nature, so it is not malicious but gratitude. Also, in Adachi Ward, there is a culture that the blessings of nature are returned to nature, and when the rain stops, they are returned to the Ayase River, or they are stabbed into a human bicycle and worshiped.
— Organic (@wu___yuki__3) July 13, 2022
It's time to prepare the Obon cake!
— Confectionery Studio Sukururi (@Sucreries_info) July 13, 2022
A green apple mousse with a stupa and a skull that buzzed for some reason last year 'Nozarashi' pic.twitter.com/Mke8bFByAb
I want to see a guy who forcibly enters a commercial by repeating broadcast prohibited words while saying 'I blame you with the strongest words' by Mr. Kishida
— Zerojirou (@zerojirou) July 13, 2022
'Capybara in the bath' rice ball pic.twitter.com/H8PFS5Fu5m
— Onigiri Theater (@ mZHtgivNQr33RCL) July 13, 2022
I like the car destruction effect of Fast and the Furious too much, but pic.twitter.com/WOH3zM1RTk
— Blue Rize (@ bk320i) July 13, 2022
Tweets like 'What is a cult solicitation method?' Are flowing one after another, but no matter how you look at them, you only get the impression that 'It's Pupel'.
— Kouki Izumi (@kouki_izumi) July 12, 2022
Q. Why do you need education?
— Rootport ???????????? (@rootport) July 13, 2022
A. When the monster appeared, he answered, 'When the Lord asked,'What is your name?', I can say,'My name is Legion. Because we are many.''
Last week, when I was in Tokyo, I had a co-op item that I ordered every week, so I asked the people in the house to put it in the freezer, but it seems that I forgot it, and it was empty with the explosion sound. The foamed styrol box that I thought was scattered with rotten meat on the front door and the wall ... it's okay.
— Riko Murai (@Riko_Murai) July 14, 2022
◆ Science (Science / Academic / Technology)
Information is lifted!
— Takuya Imai (@imai_takuya) July 13, 2022
From the dinosaur-era strata in Katsuyama City, Fukui Prefecture
The oldest in the world!
Of freshwater shellfish!
The pattern has been confirmed!
It's really amazing that fossils have color clues, and they've set the oldest record of about 100 million years! !! https://t.co/ubttRdi7kR
A cat that rolls adorably when given Actinidia polygama.
— NHK News (@nhk_news) July 14, 2022
Until now, it was thought that 'the smell makes me feel good.'
However, the research of those who had doubts about it changed the dogma! #Weekly Maru Understanding News
Broadcast: Every Sunday from 8:25 am https://t.co/idSuzbsQzJ
◆ Society / Politics / Economy (Case / World News / Business)
What is Judge Yoshihide Asakura who ordered compensation of 13 trillion yen? The first on-site inspection in the proceedings of the nuclear power plant: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Demonstrations of depositors seeking 'human rights and the rule of law' in China, many injured people injured in various places | Mainichi Shimbun
In Sri Lanka, which is confused by the economic crisis, President Rajapaksa 'escapes' to the Maldives on a military aircraft. The demonstrators' activities are intensifying as the people get angry at the rule of the clan, which China has supported behind the scenes for less than 20 years. https://t.co/YV6BIbewvb
— Nihon Keizai Shimbun Electronic Edition (Nikkei Electronic Edition) (@nikkei) July 13, 2022
Announcement of postponement of 'national travel support' to extend 'prefectural discount' until the end of August Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism https://t.co/S9HMkneMri
— TBS NEWS DIG Powered by JNN (@tbsnewsdig) July 14, 2022
The Unification Church applied for a name change many years ago, but the government never allowed it. I have to explain why Mr. Shimomura allowed it. https://t.co/FUi8m2pclB
— Tomohiro Machiyama (@TomoMachi) July 13, 2022
Tokyo Yen, Temporary 138 Yen level https://t.co/LqRCfaoTau
— Sankei News (@Sankei_news) July 14, 2022
Yen-selling and dollar-buying have become dominant as the Federal Reserve Board (FRB) hastened to tighten monetary policy to curb record inflation and the US-Japan interest rate differential is expected to widen.
It was taken up by 'AERA dot.'
— Rina Gonoi (@judo_gonoi) July 13, 2022
All honestly describe the case in the most detail.
I definitely want everyone to see all the 'first half' and 'second half'. We need your help. Thank you for your cooperation. 'Second half' is also posted.
I look forward to working with you. https://t.co/iAUvPS1IPV
With a stern look at the former Unification Church, the Washington Post slashed into the relationship between its funding sources and big-name politicians. According to former church executives and cult researchers, Japan is the 'gold vein' that produces 70% of the wealth of this global cult. https://t.co/lRzhOQnri8
— Courier Japon (@CourrierJapon) July 13, 2022
Is the Russian army still burning Ukrainian wheat fields with 9M22S cluster incendiary rockets ... https://t.co/UwnZC6gLKM
— JSF (@ rockfish31) July 13, 2022
Next is this person who talked about the constitutional amendment in 'Sekai Nippo'.
— Kiyoshi Shimizu (@ NOSUKE0607) July 13, 2022
'Yuichiro Tamaki, the representative of the Democratic Party for the People, recently presented a systematic and full-scale draft constitutional amendment by the end of the year in an interview with Sekai Nippo , and expressed his intention to take the initiative in deepening the debate on the constitutional amendment. .co / BK2gSfGcts
In recent years, it has been reported that Katsunobu Kato's constituency branch paid a 'membership fee' to the Women's Federation for World Peace (founding: Sun Myung Moon) in 2014 and 2016 (from the political fund balance report). Naturally, 'Red Flag' has applied for coverage, but no answer. (With 2020.9.25)
— Riki Komatsu (@ 9DUTZwxTUPq0UKF) July 13, 2022
Fumiaki Matsumoto, Kei Takagi, and Shinji Inoue, three members of the Liberal Democratic Party, are also spending 'membership fees' on the 'Women's Union' through the constituency branch. Fumiaki Matsumoto also pays the 'celebration membership fee' to the 'International Federation for Victory and Coalition' itself (as of November 22, 2019).
— Riki Komatsu (@ 9DUTZwxTUPq0UKF) July 13, 2022
It is also revealed that the Democratic Party was approaching the time when the Democratic Party gained power and after the change of government. Kunihiko Muroi, who is currently a member of the Restoration Party, posted a two-shot with the most powerful person (Korean) of the Nippon Ishin no Kai in the election villa when he belonged to the Democratic Party of Japan (2010.1.5).
— Riki Komatsu (@ 9DUTZwxTUPq0UKF) July 13, 2022
In the 'Red Flag Sunday Edition' dated 06.7.9, it is reported that Abe is sending a 'congratulatory telegram' to the joint wedding ceremony of the 'Universal Peace Federation'.
— Riki Komatsu (@ 9DUTZwxTUPq0UKF) July 13, 2022
At a joint wedding? !!
It's not like this kind of 'a little acquaintance'. It is nothing but a 'stakeholder' in which they actively use each other.
6 /
Although the time series is mixed up, Koichi Hagiuda and Yohei Matsumoto's constituency branch also paid a 'membership fee' to the 'Women's Union' in FY19. In addition, Shinji Inoue and Kei Takagi mentioned in Thread 2 are also listed. These two have paid a 'membership fee' for at least two consecutive years (dated 20.11.19).
— Riki Komatsu (@ 9DUTZwxTUPq0UKF) July 13, 2022
7 /
Until now, it is still only a part, but what should be emphasized here is not the greatness of the research ability of the 'red flag'. All of these 'red flag' reports are based on public information called the Political Funds Balance Report, and the problem is that the mass media did not consider it a problem.
— Riki Komatsu (@ 9DUTZwxTUPq0UKF) July 13, 2022
Of course, the 'red flag' that I picked up properly is great.
8 /
It has been reported that children infected with the new coronavirus are being diagnosed with a symptom called 'MIS-C', which is a pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome in which the function of the heart deteriorates several weeks after the infection.
— Luna @ Stocks and Medical News Memo (@ Luna11053) July 13, 2022
Omicron is not good to lick if it is mild. There is also a risk of sequelae. https://t.co/hAmO2wgDPU
It means that this kind of pressure is usually applied to various ministries and bureaucrats. It is imprudent to confess with a tweet. The National Police Agency first reveals how the relationship between the Unification Church and political parties / politicians affected the incident! https://t.co/POtOpwdnPU
— Yumi Hato (@KITspeakee) July 14, 2022
[Part 1] 22-year-old former female SDF officer accuses 'sexual damage' in the SDF with her real name and appearance What is the humiliating act of being surrounded by male members in the tent (1/5) <dot.> | AERA dot.
Former Prime Minister Abe shooting 'I made black powder with ammonium nitrate etc.' | NHK | Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe shooting
The yen plunged to the 139 yen level per dollar, renewing the yen's depreciation level for the first time in about 24 years | NHK | Stock prices and foreign exchange
General Incorporated Association Practical Ethics Hiromasa Kaiho 'Rinfu'
— Tabito (@ soul_music17) February 13, 2015
In the city.
Open the page and be amazed. Yoshiro Mori, Masahiko Komura, Yoshihide Suga, Fumio Kishida, Yasuhisa Shiozaki, Hakubun Shimomura, Eriko Yamatani. Ministers and chairman of the National Public Safety Commission are listed. pic.twitter.com/1dJw0pyKGa
[Shinzo Abe] NHK 'NW9' Special feature of former Prime Minister Abe Voices of doubt about the appearance of Mr. Masahiko Komura, the Liberal Democratic Party who was the agent of the former Unification Church | Nikkan Gendai DIGITAL
Suspect's money is running out From July, Mr. Abe's attack plan will be materialized | Mainichi Shimbun
[Breaking News JUST IN] Former Prime Minister Abe's 'state funeral' will be held in the fall Government #nhk_news https://t.co/SGygSm6Y0M
— NHK News (@nhk_news) July 14, 2022
[Breaking news JUST IN] The yen plunged to the 139 yen level per dollar, renewing the yen's depreciation level for the first time in about 24 years #nhk_news https://t.co/eHHqXEDugG
— NHK News (@nhk_news) July 14, 2022
Lully Miura has a high instructor fee of '540,000 yen' from the Liberal Democratic Party Yamaguchi Kenren and 80,000 yen at the party headquarters! A total of 380,000 yen for Shiro Tazaki | LITERA / Litera https://t.co/jLDyLDaqyX
— Bruce_SUNNY (@Bruce_SUNNY) July 14, 2022
[Breaking News JUST IN] Tokyo Metropolitan Government New Corona 16,662 Infection Confirmed 1.95 times compared to the previous week #nhk_news https://t.co/InQEfdUFM8
— NHK News (@nhk_news) July 14, 2022
The problem is that politicians are antisocial forces and are interviewed by newspapers published by the Unification Church, also known as cults. https://t.co/BH1ZjhZev0
— Former Member of the House of Councilors Tatsumi Kotaro (@kotarotatsumi) July 14, 2022
Regarding the name change of the Unification Church, there are many comments on SNS and online that I was involved in the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and I received a similar questionnaire from the weekly magazine the other day, so I would like to answer accurately. pic.twitter.com/s1qNzKHZcG
— Hakubun Shimomura (@hakubun_s) July 13, 2022
◆ Lifestyle (life / life / health)
Mermaid #work #art #art #photo #design #summer #creation #handmade #KEISUIART #AQUA pic.twitter.com/e0R4OzfaqT
— KEISUI ART STUDIO (@keisuiart) July 14, 2022
Thinking in the Putin style, is it the theory that the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Area can be regained if it has military power? https://t.co/GWC9pHHyYL
— KEISUI ART STUDIO (@keisuiart) July 13, 2022
I'm worried. Mr. Nakamura, the chief of the National Police Agency, who squeezed the arrest warrant of former reporter Noriyuki Yamaguchi who raped Mr. Ito, is not willing to take responsibility for this matter and resign, and it is breathtaking that security will be strengthened thoroughly in the future. .. Therefore, I am concerned that the freedom of speech and assembly that the Constitution allows, such as the government criticism of the city and demonstrations, will be suppressed in the future.
— Aiko Sawada (@ aiko33151709) July 13, 2022
Do you really think it's okay to kill someone who has something to do with the person who was made bankrupt?
— Masaharu Isshiki (@ nipponichi8) July 13, 2022
If this theory makes sense, a person who goes bankrupt with a pachinko machine can kill the person in the pachinko advertisement.
This is pretty dangerous, but is it good?
Masahiko Komura, the Liberal Democratic Party who was the agent of the former Unification Church, was appointed as the Minister of Defense in the first Abe administration and the Liberal Democratic Party vice president in the second Abe administration.
— Hiroyuki (@ hirox246) July 13, 2022
Masahiko Komura has been presented with Nissan's luxury sedan Cedric by a company called Happy World, which is the former contractor of the Unification Church's fortune telling fraud. https://t.co/icAst1QA2O
I appealed to the police about my parents' selfish withdrawal of money, but I was told to solve my family's problems at home.
— Daughter of the former Unification Church President (@mpjgmmd) July 13, 2022
I can't affirm what the criminal did, but I also wanted to kill any church executive, set it on fire and burn it, so if I hadn't met my beloved husband, I would be a criminal. May have
'I thought it was an organization for world peace, but I didn't know it was such an organization,' said a politician at Kaisenyamasen, 'pretending to be a fool to take immunity.' So this is valid. There is no point in scolding the child. But don't choose your child as a member of parliament.
— Tatsuru Uchida (@levinassien) July 13, 2022
It seems to be Hideo Higashikokuhara's brain https://t.co/IxV1RqQIvB
— Tomohiro Machiyama (@TomoMachi) July 13, 2022
It's interesting and frightening that people who have previously felt crazy are stepping on the mines of the Unification Church or its affiliates with a fairly high probability. I wonder how much it is rooted in the speech space.
— Toruko Hair Club (@kaori_sakai) July 13, 2022
Yamagami is said to have fallen into poverty because his mother was devoted to religion. It is difficult to solve domestic problems at home. However, there is no place to consult, and even if you consult, you tend to end up being told to talk with your family. I want people who were born and raised in a blessed family to know that 'some families do not communicate at all'
— Noboru Takachi (@noborutakachi) July 12, 2022
It seems that a self-proclaimed scholar named Lully Miura is saying something, but just a few years ago, a conspiracy theory that was too childish, 'It's dangerous because there is a saboteur called Sleeper Cell in Osaka!' Remember that you are a fool. Far from being worth a listen, it is a harmful demagogy.
— Unsui Tatekawa (@tatekawaunsui) July 13, 2022
(1) According to Mr. Kito, who appeared in today's morning show and Miyaneya, the Unification Church of New Religions from South Korea (Unification Church of the Unification Church of the World) initially expanded into its own countries of Korea, the United States, and Europe, but caused problems. As the vigilance of those countries increased, it became difficult to work.
— Tds888 ?????????? (@ teds8888) July 13, 2022
I was scared that the huge amount of damage had spread so far.
② It's only Japan.
— Tds888 ?????????? (@ teds8888) July 13, 2022
In other words, most of the victims of foreign new religions from South Korea are Japanese!
This shows the fact that Japan is extremely vulnerable to mind control by cult religions.
The case of Aum, in which highly educated young people came in one after another, dedicated all their property and committed mass murder, proves that ????!
If you work at the dismantling site from the morning, you will feel sick and you will think that you have heat stroke at 38.8 ℃. If you take off your clothes, turn the fan and spray it, you will get a positive corona. This is the current situation. I took off the mask and turned the fan, so ...
— Emergency physician @ core emergency hospital in a local city (@ azumax11) July 13, 2022
It is amazing that the Liberal Democratic Party does not say 'let's break the bond with religious groups' even in such a situation. This alone gives you a good idea of how much the LDP needs various cult groups for elections.
— Goodbye yesterday I (@SaYoNaRaKiNo) July 13, 2022
What is the potential. What is the use? The first step is to hire faculty members who have been using the service for many years with non-regular hiring of a one-year contract.
— Norimichi Nagasaka (Composer, Accordionist) (@v_accordion) July 13, 2022
Serious shortage of teachers, to utilize 'potential teachers' who do not teach even if they have a license ... Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology: Yomiuri Shimbun Online https://t.co/7V3vYZcKre
Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Secretary Nakamura, who reports on the situation in France where major Japanese media are reluctant to mention the name of the Unification Church and introduces the criminal's 'self-serving' comment, 'is famous for eradicating the rape of journalists close to the former Prime Minister.' In the article with an introductory text that is never written in polite Japan. https://t.co/4GT1XeN4RE
— Ono hiroshi (@hiroshimilano) July 13, 2022
He also mentioned that many LDP members have a religious voting bloc. 'Japan is famous for talking about politics in everyday life because it is taboo and the movement of democracy is weak,' and the people are worried about the government aiming for an arms race, but they do not deny it. Reporters often look at it.
— Ono hiroshi (@hiroshimilano) July 13, 2022
A politician who has to be more disciplined than an entertainer becomes a cult religious group, while an entertainer is asked to take a picture with him because he is an antisocial person and he has to quit his entertainment activities. What is the ethical view of the country that tries to end up with 'something like a relationship' even if you send a video message?
— Tadashi Ota (@tadashi_ohta) July 13, 2022
The fact that Shinzo Abe sent a video message and a congratulatory message, and the Liberal Democratic Party politician contributed to the 'Sekai Nippo' and was intimate with the so-called 'Unification Church' was criticized by the Inspirational Commercial Law Lawyer Liaison Committee, such as 'Red Flag'. Was reported without fail, and it is some major media, commentators, and 'knowledgers' that have been reported at this time.
— Gentile (@Narodovlastiye) July 13, 2022
When I read the report of the International Cult Research Society Madrid Convention, 'It is difficult for a person who has been brainwashed by a cult (a person whose personality has been destroyed by brainwashing) to regain his original personality (personality is easy to destroy, but difficult to restore). I was scared because the research was reported ... Humpty Dumpty ...
— Kemofure (@kemohure) July 13, 2022
According to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's estimate, 'If you pay the overtime fee according to the actual work of the teacher, you will need about 900 billion yen a year', so school education in Japan is based on the service overtime of about 1 trillion yen for teachers. It is made up. Even if you try to 'utilize potential teachers because there is a serious shortage of teachers' without improving the harsh working environment due to the low salary and hard work, human resources will not gather.
— Childish Teacher (@TeacherChildish) July 13, 2022
In this hot weather, it will be difficult to crawl on the ground and search for bullets, so I don't want to blame the entire Nara Prefectural Police. However, even from an amateur's point of view, how about desperately searching for 'remains' after six days have passed since the incident, and it rained during that time, and many people came to donate flowers?
— Kaori Arimoto (@arimoto_kaori) July 13, 2022
Hakubun Shimomura was pointed out that he was involved in the name change of the Unification Church, but he replied in writing that 'the final settlement was the director of the Ministry of Culture at that time.'
— Inns of Court Madness (@ Adepteater029) July 13, 2022
Isn't this attitude very similar to the 'Moritomo Gakuen Incident' in that 'inconvenient things rub against the bottom'?
Lunch day. A student brought a side dish bought at a store in a plastic container. Note that there can be no homeroom teacher. When I told my mother on the phone, 'Please have a proper lunch box,' she said, 'What is a proper lunch box !?' Is it OK to move it to the lunch box? I also understand the feeling that the box has nothing to do with it
— Nobu (@talk_Nobu) July 13, 2022
By the way, pediatrics has completely entered the 7th wave. Classes are being closed one after another in the field of education before the start of next summer vacation.
— Furaito (Ima Seisuke) @ Neonatologist (@doctor_nw) July 13, 2022
[The point is how to hold it]
— Weathernews (@wni_jp) July 13, 2022
Have you ever had your shoulders or feet wet even with an umbrella? It may not be using an umbrella well ...
As for how to hold the umbrella, we recommend the 'low position' that gives you a feeling of higher size and the 'cross holding' that can effectively utilize the space under the umbrella. It is less likely to get wet in the rain. https://t.co/mjvD37zvmJ pic.twitter.com/ApQ9j2HL5Q
When the relationship between the Liberal Democratic Party and the Nippon Kaigi came to light, it was passed through without taking up the TV, but this time the relationship with the Unification Church was killed by former Prime Minister Abe, and the TV was ignored. If not, the LDP will stay away from religious groups for a while. Then, the people who supported 'What's wrong with the adhesion!' Are removed from the ladder.
— Tomohiro Machiyama (@TomoMachi) July 13, 2022
I think pediatrics all over the country are pretty hell right now, right? Fever outpatients are punctured and overflowing.
— Suno (@snorita) July 13, 2022
The pediatric infectious diseases that had been hidden until now have exploded, and corona positives are mixed in these high fever such as adeno, RS, human meta, infectious gastroenteritis, herpangina, hand-foot-and-mouth disease, etc. It seems to be bald because I use too much care
Former Prime Minister Abe's funeral is a 'family funeral,' or a complete 'private affair,' and the mobilization of the Self-Defense Forces is a 'public' privatization. And even though Mr. Abe is a member of the Diet of a specific political party, the Board of Education, which should set up a 'bookkeeping fee' in public buildings and comply with the Fundamental Law of Education that establishes political neutrality, ' Requesting the raising of the 'half flag' is also a personalization.
— Gentile (@Narodovlastiye) July 13, 2022
I think that 'the existence of an organization called the Unification Church is not illegal' and 'the act that the organization is doing is illegal' are compatible, but I pretend I don't understand why I don't understand it. I don't know if you're doing it
— Colonel Hentonar (voc) (@hentonacyoyu) July 13, 2022
Japanese Army 'The kamikaze members voluntarily volunteer, but they are not forcing the kamikaze.'
— Okami (@ ppsh41_1945) July 13, 2022
Black company 'Employees are just working overtime without permission, and they are not forced to work long hours.'
Unification Church 'The members of the association donate 100 million yen without permission, but they do not force the donation.'
The excuses for corrupt organizations are all the same.
I see a lot of tweets saying 'It's dangerous to approach a religious group thinking' I'll argue ', but I'm alive with the attitude of' I'll argue 'Because it's over before I'm addicted to new religions. But I'm pardoning it with an outrage that it's okay
— Fujio (@kurapond) July 12, 2022
It is only an act of using Mr. Abe's death to obstruct the fact verification to crush the opinion that 'the relationship between the LDP and the Unification Church is a problem' and 'it is a statement that allows Mr. Abe's assassination'. you know.
— Tomohiro Machiyama (@TomoMachi) July 13, 2022
Somehow it's flowing to alert you ...
— King-biscuit (@kingbiscuitSIU) July 13, 2022
・ Yoga Circle → Omu ・ Cooking Class → Away ・ Herb Detox → Shiji Japan ・ Free English Class → Mol * n Religion ・ Picture Book Storytelling → E * Ba Witness
...... Why is it that everyone is like a woman? # Say something inadvertently
As is the case in the United States, what is wrong with a mixture of 'religion' and 'politics' is that 'politicians representing religion' have hundreds of thousands of 'voices of citizens suffering from social problems', 'the society'. If 'solving a problem' violates 'doctrinal', completely ignore the voices of those citizens. These politicians are not 'citizen representatives.'
— Yuki Matsuzaki Yuki Matsuzaki (@Yuki_Mats) July 13, 2022
The organizer of the death game thinks that 'human beings have their true nature when they are cornered', but in reality, 'when they think they are absolutely safe', their true nature comes out.
— Shinkuro Akagi (@shin_akagi) July 13, 2022
In the Times car share, the data reveals that there are quite a few people who are riding and running the engine, but for some reason they are returning with a mileage of '0km'. According to the investigation, there are actually some people who use it as a place to stay without meals or as a substitute for a telephone box. This is the real thrill of DX, where you can discover unexpected new customer needs.
— Seki Giken @FA Machine Maker (@sekigiken) July 13, 2022
After all, I did it, violating the Fundamental Law of Education.
— Kinki University Faculty and Staff Union (@unionkin) July 13, 2022
It is natural to have a feeling of mourning for the death of one person, but does Kinki University understand the meaning of doing this as an organization? https://t.co/aCggiaXq3h
If you think too much, 'Let's discipline your child. Let's teach. Let's fix this.' If you feel like 'Let's have a good time with this child. Let's get along with each other as human beings. Let's enjoy the present never again', the heart will be easier and more relaxed. Nothing is more important than comfort in dealing with children every day.
— Chikara Oyano (@oyanochikara) July 13, 2022
While TBS's 'Hiruobi' and 'Gogosuma' stated the subjectivity of the commentators without verifying the authenticity of the church's claims only by showing them in the interview video and panel, tonight's NTV 'news' 'zero' reported the lawyers' counterarguments on a one-to-one basis (the previous two programs had become PR of the association rather than the press). pic.twitter.com/LXSL43lUXC
— Remonta (@montagekijyo) July 12, 2022
I want to ask Ruri Miura.
— Aki (@ 3h_aki) July 13, 2022
What is the impression operation of this? pic.twitter.com/TP6pHtD7KI
Those who now advocate the Unification Church as an ordinary religion are 1) in cognitive dissonance (I don't want to think that those who have supported it have anything to do with it), 2). There are two types of information manipulation, cult and sober. The former will be noticed eventually, so the latter will soon be roasted.
— Shinya Matsuura (@ShinyaMatsuura) July 13, 2022
I looked up the 'red flag' coverage of the Unification Church in the library. If I thought it would be a good idea to find a few articles about the association and the LDP, it was almost every year, and before 2010, it was a huge amount of coverage.
— Riki Komatsu (@ 9DUTZwxTUPq0UKF) July 13, 2022
Nowadays, on SNS, there are some people who talk about heroic stories such as refuting or repelling the solicitation of principles and cult religions. When I was a student, I was confident that I would make a contradiction in the cult doctrine. I am grateful to the professor who gave up
— Nasca's Slut (@synfunk) July 13, 2022
Do not truly accept and imitate the bragging stories of repelling principles and cult religion solicitations. The fear of cults is quantity. It doesn't end on the spot. If you get involved, you should think that it will continue until you die. Countermeasures against cults are not refuted, but stay away, run away when approaching, and seek help. There is nothing else.
— Nasca's Slut (@synfunk) July 13, 2022
Imagine the fear of refuting the solicitation of the cult religion and then living known to thousands and tens of thousands of people for decades with names and addresses, schools and workplaces, and living areas. I want you to. Stay away from cults. Run away
— Nasca's Slut (@synfunk) July 13, 2022
I think it's scary that the cult first offers a 'whereabouts' rather than a great guiding doctrine.
— Narashino Seiryu Cave Ninja (@ 3618Tekubi) July 12, 2022
Why do certain religious groups have an influence on politics? It's a simple story. About half of the Japanese voters don't go to elections. 'They' go to the elections whether it rains or spears. Well, it's only natural that the two will coalesce. This is ironic.
— Tsunehira Furuya @ New issue 'The Defeated Master-Impearl Okinawa Special Attack' (Gentosha Shinsho) Reprint thanks! (@aniotahosyu) July 13, 2022
What if there was a person in 1995 who said, 'Aum Shinrikyo believers also have freedom of religion. Forced investigation is a violation of religious freedom.'
— Cat Luc (@nasitaro) July 12, 2022
Is this what Lully Miura is now?
Hotaria parvula shrine that seems to meet Totoro. Pic.twitter.com/bJjg5wOmVd
— Ryogo_tsushima (@ Ryoppi05670209) July 13, 2022
If you talk about state funerals after listing the list of cherry blossom viewing parties.
— Masahiro Nakano [Cross-examination of Mr. Seko, July 22nd, 10: 30-Tokyo District Court No. 610] (@ nakano0316) July 14, 2022
Due to the serious shortage of teachers, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology says that potential teachers who are not teachers even if they have a teacher's license are used as temporary teachers. The main cause is the hard-working working environment, so if you ignore the problem, I think that the shortage of teachers will not be solved.
— Childish Teacher (@TeacherChildish) July 13, 2022
#Morning show
— ?????????? Absolute Democratic Rule of Law after Regulations ???????? (@ B6VECcNetVjoam7) July 14, 2022
Mr. Tada said something important.
The Unification Church calls NHK's famous reporters at meetings.
It is a unified church where you are not allowed to touch the opposite sex, but after marriage you are allowed to have sexual activity on condition that you do not use contraception.
— Daughter of the former Unification Church President (@mpjgmmd) July 13, 2022
It is called a 3-day event, and sexual intercourse is performed for 3 consecutive days in front of the photograph of the face of the guru. Furthermore, the method is also decided for this 3-day event, with women on the first and second days, and the third day. It is non-fiction with men on top.
Does Lully Miura co-author with Masahiko Komura, who was the representative of the Unification Church?
— Hiroyuki (@ hirox246) July 13, 2022
It's not a conspiracy theory, it's a confirmation of the facts. https://t.co/xIqzEgO9Fp https://t.co/coMo0bWwab pic.twitter.com/NBJjiA9Pc9
When it comes to cult religion, the wisdom bag of more than 10 years ago is a must-see.
— Tengudou Tsushin ⚡ (@tengudosyobo) July 13, 2022
The person who wrote this answer, which the questioner also draws, is quite familiar with that path, isn't it? ?? pic.twitter.com/CARwNxA0Aj
My colleague ???? asked me how to wrap it, so a memorandum ५ ✍
— Tre Emi (@emiry_oinari) July 13, 2022
There are a lot of cute aluminum foils out there, so if you wrap it in it, your child will get excited ♪ pic.twitter.com/U8yNkBkkoP
Universities all over Japan are still struggling to protect their students from cult religions such as the Unification Church.
— HOM55 (@ HON5437) July 13, 2022
Meanwhile, the Liberal Democratic Party's 'Chairman of the Faculty of Education and Science' attended the Unification Church rally and greeted him, and the carnation bouquet gift to the cult president (Hak Ja Han Moon) would be too dangerous! !! pic.twitter.com/Xumslsm3PA
When I saw a tweet in 1986 that there was a tweet that 'the section chief irons the newspaper that he reads in the morning (it seems that the ink will not be available)' in the work of 'female employee' at that time, the work of 'female employee' at that time I realized that it was mostly in-house entertainment.
— Jiro (@ jiro6663) July 13, 2022
The National Inspirational Commercial Law Countermeasures Lawyer Liaison Committee has finished the stage. 'Since the 90's, the Unification Church has been planning to change the name, but Benren has raised concerns because the damage will be concealed. In fact, the application was not accepted for a long time. However, it was suddenly certified by the Abe administration. Benren asks why he suddenly certified, but the Cultural Agency does not speak silently. '
— Tesshu Shaku (@shakutesshu) October 13, 2017
I think it was a case where the victims of the fortune telling fraud shot the advertising tower if the LDP was provided with secretaries and election volunteers by the Unification Church and created a co-dependency in which politicians became their advertising tower. increase. https://t.co/PPDBsFz90C
— Tomohiro Machiyama (@TomoMachi) July 13, 2022
It seems natural that Japan has sunk in the last 10 years.
— Tajima wholesaler (@wanpakuten) July 14, 2022
Even if it is known, more than 80 LDP members and more than 100 secretaries are related to the 'Unification Church'.
This double standard ...
What was Prime Minister Abe's 'regaining Japan'?
▼ It is a standard practice for the Unification Church to use 'that person is our supporter' in order to solidify the unity of believers. Basic knowledge of the Unification Church. 'Sekai Nippo' is a bulletin of the Unification Church. https://t.co/4JBkG4fIlY
— Yoshifu Arita (@aritayoshifu) July 14, 2022
Have you seen this kind of person? !! ?? !! ?? !! ?? !! ?? pic.twitter.com/F8r9VO2iEL
— Pitapan (@ pitapan2525) July 13, 2022
Is this a problem statement?
— Hinsu (@ hinsu117okinawa) July 13, 2022
Thank you for your support and cooperation! pic.twitter.com/rArQGOctWX
Secretary General Motegi and Chairman Sanae Takaichi said, 'Mr. Abe's will.' In the sense of rushing to change the constitution. However, the relationship between the Unification Church and the Liberal Democratic Party has been broken. There are also common items such as constitutional amendment, opposition to same-sex marriage, and opposition to married couples' surnames. Many people may have wondered why they hurried and why they opposed it. Constitutional amendment is impossible. If you say it, you will express the gang.
— Danshiro Tatekawa (@Dgoutokuji) July 14, 2022
The fact that the Constitutional Democratic Party does not make a statement that it will 'thoroughly elucidate the ties between the LDP and the Unification Church' means that it has missed a great opportunity to rebuild the party.
— A pair of glasses (@pair_glasses) July 14, 2022
Transparent prickly pear cactus that stores a lot of water ????
— ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? (@echidna_jin) July 13, 2022
It is pull-pull when it is transparent to light. pic.twitter.com/QSZ7thCOUW
The cult's dangerousness is also a problem, but the fact that politics is cohesive with it is a considerable problem.
— Ametrine ???? It's important to be 'unreasonable' (@ 2010ameame) July 14, 2022
It was too funny for a girl who works in genre to say, 'It's not a big deal to brag about the big dick. I don't brag about the really big guys. I'm sorry.'
— Nenemaru (@nenemaruco) July 13, 2022
This is a book about housework, and it's just a story of a person who was aiming for housework level 100 and came down to housework level 70. 'Are you staying at?'
— Yukafuro (@openyuka) July 13, 2022
Even if you drop to housework level 30, you can live a healthy and cultural life, or even if you have housework level 50, it looks like a life of about 80! I'm looking for a book like
— Yukafuro (@openyuka) July 13, 2022
◆ IT / Gadgets (Net / Software / Hard / Mobile)
Stepping motor feels too good! - Nico Nico Douga
Today's partial coverage | News | Nikon Corporate Information
Today, some media outlets have reported that we have withdrawn from the development of single-lens reflex cameras, but this is speculation and not announced by us.
Cockroach Countermeasure Products | Fumakilla Limited https://t.co/EuMdlvC6gB
— Miss Amelie Power ???? ️ (@sweet_depas) July 12, 2022
Fumakiller's cockroach countermeasure site, kindness dream girls novel site that can convert the name pic.twitter.com/xiiJMqEhuQ
Let's get started from what we can pic.twitter.com/agyWgsQa2L
— Tsutsui.xls @Excel Function Accounting for anthropomorphic manga (@ Tsutsui0524) July 13, 2022
[Preserved version] Types of illustrations Most illustrations fit in 8 charts and 8 graphs. Please use this list as a quick reference table. pic.twitter.com/2pEx8qdPgu
— Juntoku Yoshizawa | Logical Thinking & Illustrated (@juntoku_y) July 12, 2022
The newsletter series has ended. Anti-social studies blog
The reason is that I was completely unconvinced of the mysterious editorial policy that I should not write my opinion. I thought that a column was to write my opinion, but it seems that I shouldn't write my opinion in Jiji Press.
◆ Anime / Game / Manga (subculture)
Movie 'Drifting Home that Tells the Rain' This preview video [September 16 (Friday) Netflix worldwide exclusive distribution & Japan national road show] --YouTube
[Phantom of the Idol] Episode 1 & Episode 2 Review Digest PV --YouTube
'Star Ocean 6 THE DIVINE FORCE' Character Introduction Trailer 'Leticia Ocean' -YouTube
'Star Ocean 6 THE DIVINE FORCE' Character Introduction Trailer 'Raymond Lawrence' -YouTube
'Way of the Hunter' Animal Introduction Trailer 2nd --YouTube
'Fairy Fencer F Refrain Chord' Opening Movie-YouTube
Nintendo Switch Sports 2022 Summer CM --YouTube
Pyon Zuba Basha Year Song -Natsu- (Nintendo Switch CM)-YouTube
Super Mario Odyssey Short Movie 1-YouTube
Super Mario Odyssey Short Movie 2-YouTube
Bayonetta 3 2nd Trailer-YouTube
Rescue Kon-chan Kon-chan-Nico Nico Douga
Commuter must be used for commuting [MSFS] --Nico Nico Douga
Mysterious in 'Cooking Simulator VR'! Dancing hamburger! !! - Nico Nico Douga
Mr. Nijisanji [Nijisanji / Clipping / Nijisanji] --Nico Nico Douga
I use the ipad app for the storyboard work of Lycoris Recoil, and I like Adachi very much, so I will introduce it. I couldn't make this work without this app, so I'm just grateful to Mr. Shindo ( @ Ponkotu4gou ) who made this by himself and responded to various requests from Adachi. https://t.co/NewQcbcZ62 pic.twitter.com/DJYI4ztMo0
— Shingo Adachi Shingo Adachi (First art book on sale) (@johnsama) July 9, 2022
Biting habit pic.twitter.com/UOoRbvvpxC
— Unmanned. (@muzin__) July 13, 2022
'This is just proof that the boy likes his friends, right?' Pic.twitter.com/7ouxC8zJVk
— ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? Rosuuri 'Childhood Friend Theory' will be released on July 25th! (@rosuuri) July 13, 2022
'Theatrical Version That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime'
— [Official] Anime 'That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime' (@ten_sura_anime) July 14, 2022
It will be released on November 25th (Friday)!
The powerful book poster visual has also been lifted!
The screening theater has also been released, so please check it out as well! https://t.co/Uc7jpWMpe5
Promotion T #Tsura #tensura pic.twitter.com/NCx6T1GnGO
This time Molcar jumps out of Molcity ...? Pui Pui! excited! Great runaway? !!
— PUI PUI Molcar [Official] (@molcar_anime) July 14, 2022
Short PV was also released today ????
There is also a new molcar in PV ...? !! https://t.co/c9clNRCUpS
PUI PUI #Molker #Molker DS pic.twitter.com/TKXnL0C1jA
Recently, I'm drawing fighting maids. #Followers 100,000 or less artists post masterpieces and get a lot of followers tag pic.twitter.com/m18wY7i8dx
— * Kome @ “Salissa of the Night Light Cloud” 6/13 Volume 8 Released (@asterisk_kome) July 13, 2022
Lycoris Recoil is funny and Senzoku is cheerful and cute pic.twitter.com/aHt9Z7p332
— Russ (@rassussu) July 12, 2022
There is also an example of 'I was dragged into the cult as it was when I got along with a female cosplayer who became familiar with me at a cosplay event', so it's a lie to say 'Otaku is resistant to cults'.
— Aoi model (@aoi_mokei) July 12, 2022
Comiket is just around the corner, but there are cases where a new religion called ' Kenshokai ' is forced to take out otaku and layers as off-campus and forcibly accept them. Hope to spread pic.twitter.com/RKPMJUaXXO
— Koyomidayo (@kyokurumin) August 9, 2016
I want to deliver this to young people who are aiming for the industry, but I would like to say that it is better not to approach the place where you call yourself a creative group.
— Magical ☆ Shigepon @VRoid (@m_sigepon) July 13, 2022
Professionals don't call themselves creative groups.
When I watched Yu-Gi-Oh's manga in the middle of the night, this double-page spread dark game said with a doy face, 'Oh! 』I only said Warota w pic.twitter.com/Y5tahkor9H
— Toshiya ⛵️ ???? (@ochinpochinpoko) July 13, 2022
Let's make croquette pic.twitter.com/AdwzODXFvx
— Kodama Kawashiri (@kakeakami) July 13, 2022
Every time the test is over pic.twitter.com/7Uf12eNDNw
— Shiki (@matomMatomo) July 13, 2022
Mischief to sleeping childhood friend pic.twitter.com/F5k6gxViub
— Shinya Mitsuru “Childhood friends don't become romantic comedies” Every Tuesday from midnight (@igoshowgi) July 13, 2022
One of them is messed up and the other is swayed, but it's awesome! !! I'm dating while complaining, but since my partner's messed up degree is 500, it seems that you also have a messed up degree of 100 if it is a single item that only looks like Matomo relatively. I like duo
— Hamada (@ 735hamada) July 13, 2022
For Yahoo! News! Thank you.
— [Broadcasting] Dropkick on My God X (@jashinchan_PJ) July 13, 2022
Anime 'Dropkick on My Devil X' Official Counters Illegal Clipping Declares that the official clipping will be 'uploaded faster than anywhere else' ( Netorabo) #Yahoo News https://t.co/C4LJ1iWZ5P
Ver.2.8! pic.twitter.com/ygP97IlGIT
— Dedede (@deka_gensin) July 13, 2022
Shotacon Ki-Tsune ♥ v3.0 #Picture Fubuki pic.twitter.com/w1rRXZACGw
— Micon (@ micon40124147) July 13, 2022
Chainsaw Man Part 2 was the best start! pic.twitter.com/3xQYR98Ult
— Kuro / Okikuro (@ lovelesslover00) July 12, 2022
Mitaka has a nice face pic.twitter.com/YyeCLewQ3E
— Geji (@Geji_oekaki) July 13, 2022
How to draw an ass that you do not know unexpectedly ????
— Ichiappu by MUGENUP (Creative Production Company) (@ichiup_net) July 13, 2022
Introduced from the technique book 'Shining Drawing-Making attractive characters taught by 100 professionals-'! !! ✨
Let's study the structure of the buttocks that connects the upper and lower body, and aim for 'shining drawing'! ???? ???? https://t.co/Zo5n1LlBLa #Technique book production project to improve the picture pic.twitter.com/FJ0uBZzwuI
I will draw Saber next time!
— Hisato Nago @ Spacomi Thank you for your hard work (@Hisato_Nago) July 13, 2022
#Followers 100,000 or less painters post masterpieces and get a lot of followers tag pic.twitter.com/f37UxRUyLc
#GenshinImpact #Ganyu
— Kiyoshin greed (@ xiao00417) July 14, 2022
06 Summer pic.twitter.com/kgwOFfJfwC
Did everyone get suspended? https://t.co/hprSVX3FKm
— Satomi Akesaka (@akekodao) July 14, 2022
Parent 'Did you make a boyfriend?'
— Chunta (@chunta_bibi) July 13, 2022
I like 'The Prince of Tennis is fun'
Parents 'But the princes are junior high school students?
Coco Recently cried with the most prickly words
Manga pirated site Manga BANK Local authorities fine for former Chinese operator | NHK | Incident
When I drew this, the date changed pic.twitter.com/JkVcqCbpCP
— Dobepopon (@HatoLoad) July 13, 2022
Imperfect woman (1/2) pic.twitter.com/uRcVkckNU2
— Hamita (@ hamita1220) July 14, 2022
Mitsukoshi Isetan Reuental Ear Cuff pic.twitter.com/ij6pbklIGu
— Former shark skin (@saramimogumogu) July 13, 2022
Oh, good morning ...? pic.twitter.com/A8ai9Ci33v
— Sakamata Chloe ???? 20 time period movie simultaneous viewing! I posted a chimera! (@sakamatachloe) July 14, 2022
Look at the ν Gundam that is used as a toy for Fukuoka citizens pic.twitter.com/7saRZS2Tld
— Hamburger (@HundredBurger) July 14, 2022
— Geri bastard (@ YWUgyxA9BoYtnkY) July 14, 2022
Levi Captain, Gorshi, Bills, Kawakami Princess, and Miss Salome dancing the Ya Boy Kongming OP. pic.twitter.com/hhVWACL18a
The story of a girl who is ignorant of sex (1/12) pic.twitter.com/Y97x3X2qtO
— Nagi Uratani (@ nadaru915) July 13, 2022
Kama-chan PU has started with Ooku Main Interlude ~ ???? ♀️ #FGO https://t.co/mklGmnLZk0 pic.twitter.com/gjyaI6qZvp
— ReDrop / Snacks @ C100 / Day 2 Toshi 74a (@otmm) July 13, 2022
#Followers 100,000 or less artists post masterpieces and get a lot of followers
— Suzaku @ Released on July 5th! 'Re-doing the aristocratic level up' (@ zaku6584) July 13, 2022
I'm drawing a mine system or a girl who pushes Kirby ~ pic.twitter.com/kSjx9bjT2u
The Comiket 100 booklet catalog, which was released on July 16th and was held on August 13th to 14th, arrived at the office a little earlier. This is the first booklet in about two years. Cover (Original: Takashi Takeuchi [Circle: Takeuchi] / Coloring / Finishing: Hirokazu Koyama / Background: Yuro / Logo: WINFAN WORKS). And since the catalog is on sale, the next schedule will be ... # C100 # C101 https://t.co/qKB8dh3ph3 pic.twitter.com/IUOH3lCLDo
— Comiket Preparatory Meeting (@comiketofficial) July 14, 2022
In response to Nintendo's explicit statement that it would ban outing by introducing an in-house system that treats same-sex partners as if they were legal marriages, 'Nintendo succumbed to Polycolle.' Hell is full of tweets to the effect.
— Ikuko Takeshita (@i_tkst) July 14, 2022
Nintendo, I want you to do your best. It's a good initiative.
The story of the fate of 'Penguindrum' that will be screened at this timing
[Today is Tanjiro Kamado's birthday]
— Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Official (@kimetsu_off) July 14, 2022
July 14th is the birthday of Tanjiro Kamado!
To commemorate his birthday, we have released a mini character illustration drawn by ufotable.
Please take a look! https://t.co/E6LTXBGOsF #Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba #July 14th is the birthday of Tanjiro Kamado pic.twitter.com/CiRX1gYnaa
◆ Sports / Entertainment / Music / Movies (Entertainment)
'Celebrities are influential, so refrain from making political statements.' I recommend that you think and verbalize yourself so that you will not be influenced by the expressions of entertainers. It is unreasonable to be blocked from speaking in any profession.
— Chizuru Azuma / Chizuru Azuma / Get in touch (@ ChizuruA1) July 13, 2022
As I wrote before, Kochi citizens who like banquets went to the night for some reason, the Checkers and Akina Nakamori ran out, Takanori Nishikawa was clearly disappointed in Kochi during the live, and OZMA said 'Is it motivated? However, only BUCK-TICK came to us many times every year, and Imai was caught by medicine the day after he said 'Kochi is the best !!'.
— Despoca (@tea_cow_tron) July 13, 2022
◆ New products (clothes, food, housing)
'Onion & Garlic' is now on sale from the 'Kikkoman Steak Soy Sauce' series! ~ A taste that can be enjoyed by the whole family from adults to children ~ | Kikkoman
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