Niantic, the developer of Pokemon GO, fired about 90 employees and canceled 4 projects

Pokemon Go Creator Niantic Cancels Four Projects, Cuts Jobs --Bloomberg
Niantic is laying off about 90 employees and canceling four projects | Engadget
Pokémon Go developer Niantic cancels four projects and lays off more than 80 people --The Verge

According to media reports, about 85 to 90 people were dismissed, and CEO John Hanke explained to employees that they needed to streamline their operations in order to survive the financial turmoil. ..
There are four canceled projects: 'Transformers: Heavy Metal' announced with Hasbro in 2021, 'Hamlet' planned to be developed with the theater group Punchdrunk, and 'Blue Sky' and 'Snowball'.
Speaking of Niantic, it is known for the hit of 'Pokemon GO', and it is reported that it has
It is clear that 'Pokemon GO' has made a cumulative total of 550 billion yen-GIGAZINE

However, other games have not been played so much, and 'Catan: World Explorers', which was released in 2019 by converting the standard board game 'Katan' into AR, will end in November 2021. The Harry Potter: Wizards Alliance, also released in 2019, has ended in January 2022.

However, I have not given up on anything other than 'Pokemon GO', and in April 2022, I announced the game 'Peridot' that breeds fantasy creatures.

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in Game, Posted by logc_nt