'Harvest Fruit Sand Salt & Lemon' tasting review with two harvests sandwiched between refreshing sour lemon cream

From Tohato's baked confectionery 'Harvest', which has a crispy texture, a new flavor 'Harvest Fruit Sand Salt & Lemon', in which lemon cream and white chocolate chips are sandwiched between two harvests, will be released on May 16, 2022. Appeared. It was said that a cream using mellow sweet chocolate chips and lemon powder, and a slightly salted harvest were combined into one, so I actually tried to see what it tasted like.

New release of 'Harvest Salt Lemon' and 'Harvest Fruit Sand Salt & Lemon' with a refreshing taste of lemons from Setouchi-News Release | Tohato


The package of 'Harvest Fruit Sand Salt & Lemon' looks like this.

Whey powder, semi-chocolate, margarine, lemon powder, etc. are used as raw materials. The calorie is 70 kcal per piece.

The package contains 8 individually wrapped Harvest Fruit Sand Salts & Lemons.

1 piece inside.

From the side, you can see that the two harvests sandwich the lemon cream and chocolate chips.

When you eat a bite, the clear lemon acidity spreads in your mouth along with the sweetness of sugar. The impression is that the sweetness is accompanied by a gradual sweetness in the flavor centered on the sourness of lemon, and sometimes you can feel the slight saltiness and the easy-to-understand sweetness of chocolate chips. The two harvests gave it a slightly luxurious taste.

The price of 'Harvest Fruit Sand Salt & Lemon' is an open price, and the reference suggested retail price is 287 yen including tax.

in Tasting, Posted by log1p_kr