Sony Group announces that it expects to sell 18 million PS5s in 2022

Although the PlayStation 5 (PS5) has been in short supply worldwide for about a year and a half since its release, the Sony Group has set a sales forecast of 18 million units in 2022, which is the forecast for the previous year. It has revealed that it will increase production by about 56.5% from a certain 11.5 million units.

Sony Group Portal | 2021 Business Results Briefing

Sony and Nintendo Videogame Machines to Be in Short Supply Again This Year --WSJ

Hiroki Totoki, Vice President and CFO, announced the 2021 results at the Sony Group's 2021 results briefing held on May 10, 2022. Sales in the game & network service field, including PS5, in 2021 increased 3% year-on-year to 2,739.8 billion yen, and operating income in this field was affected by a decline in sales of software other than in-house production. , PS5 profitability improvement, etc. revealed that it increased by 4.4 billion yen from the previous year to 346.1 billion yen.

by Sony Group Corporation

As of the end of 2020, the Sony Group expected PS5 sales to be 14.8 million units in 2021, but due to the impact of semiconductor supply constraints and distribution disruptions, the forecast sales will be 1150 in the third quarter of 2021. It was

revised downward to 10,000 units.

Mr. Toki has set the sales forecast for PS5 in 2022 at 18 million units, which is expected to be procured at the time of preparation of the materials. In addition, Mr. Toki responded to the question, 'Do you think that the PS5 shortage will be resolved in the future?' 'Do you think that the number of 18 million units is not sufficient supply for demand?' , Reiterated the sales forecast as 'the supply of parts is just in sight at the moment', and about the demand 'We feel that the demand is a little higher level, so it is a little to meet the current demand. I think it's not enough. The level of inventory is very low, and it is necessary to have some inventory in order to deliver to customers in a timely manner, so it can be said that it is not enough in that sense. '

On the same day, Nintendo also announced its financial results (PDF file) . According to the announcement, sales of the game-only machine business, including hardware, software, and accessories, for the fiscal year ended March 2022 were 1,639.2 billion yen, down 3.6% from the previous fiscal year. In addition, the Nintendo Switch series hardware sales were 23.06 million units, a decrease of approximately 20% from 28.83 million units in the previous fiscal year. Five years have already passed since the launch of the Nintendo Switch, and despite the effects of a shortage of semiconductor parts and delays in logistics, the sell-through performance has reached the second level in the past.

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in Hardware, Posted by log1p_kr