A bug was found that caused a crash when typing 'And. And. And. And. And.' In Google Docs.
A bug was found in Google Docs, a document creation tool provided by Google, that 'when I enter the string' And. And. And. And. And. ', It crashes.' It has been reported that this bug occurs not only when the word 'And.' Is repeated, but also when other words are repeated.
Including 'And. And. And. And. And.' in a Google doc causes it to crash. --Google Docs Editors Community
A simple string of 'and' s seem to crash Google Docs pages | Engadget
On May 6, 2022, Google user Pat Needham reported a bug that 'entering a string containing' And. And. And. And. And. 'In Google Docs causes a crash.' Needham validated this bug by switching between multiple Google accounts in Google Chrome and said that all accounts had the same bug. Needham also points out that this bug seems to be case sensitive, and 'and. And. And. And. And.' Does not cause the bug.
One user reported that he was able to reproduce this bug by opening Google Docs in Firefox 99.0.1, typing 'And. And. And. And. And.' And pressing Enter to reload the page.
In addition, some users reported that the same bug was reproduced in 'But. But. But. But. But.' ...
One user pointed out that the same problem would occur if the words 'Also', 'Therefore', 'Anyway', 'But', 'Who', 'Why', 'Besides', and 'However' were repeated five times in the same way.
Also, there is a case that 'I had no problem typing' And. And. And. And. And. 'In Safari, but when I opened the same document in Google Chrome, an error message was displayed.' The tech media Engadget was able to reproduce the bug when creating a Google Docs on Google Chrome 100.0.4896.127 using a 2019 16-inch MacBook Pro running on Monteray 12.3.1, but it's older than running on Big Sur 11.1. It seems that the bug could not be reproduced on MacBook Pro.
In the forum, there is a report that 'It can be avoided by turning off the grammar checker of Google Docs' ...
It has been pointed out that it only works with the English version of Google Docs. When the editorial staff actually tried it with the Japanese version of Google Docs, this bug could not be confirmed.
A Google Docs employee responded to a series of bug reports by saying, 'Google Docs users, we are aware of this issue and are currently working on a fix. Bring this issue to light and share it with us. Thank you for your cooperation. '
This bug is also talked about on the social news site Hacker News, and comments such as 'Bugs also occur with words such as'Dearness','Although','Besides', and'Moreover'' and 'For some reason,'Or. Or. 'Or. Or. Or.' Does not cause any bugs. ' Needham, who reported the bug in the Google Docs Editors Community, also appeared in the thread, reporting that the bug in question was discovered by his colleague and friend Eliza Callahan when he wrote a poem in the middle of the novel.
Including “And. And. And. And. And.” in a Google doc causes it to crash | Hacker News
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in Software, Web Service, Posted by log1h_ik