Why is India weak against Russia?

Russia, which invades Ukraine with a military invasion, has received strong criticism and sanctions from the international community, but India remains cautious, keeping a distance from this trend of the international community. The question, 'Why is India so weak against Russia?' Is explained by

Sumito Gangley , a professor of political science at Indiana University in the United States.

Want to know why India has been soft on Russia? Take a look at its military, diplomatic and energy ties

India, the world's largest democracy, has been reluctant to criticize Russia from the beginning, abstaining from the adoption of a resolution condemning Russia's President Vladimir Putin, as well as a human rights director. The adoption of Russia's suspension of qualification by the Society also abstained . India also justifies the import of Russian crude oil, as countries have announced measures to suspend imports of Russian crude oil.

'India's lack of a clear position is largely due to its reliance on Russia in many respects, including diplomacy, military and energy,' said Gangley, an expert on India's foreign and security policy. Pointed out. The connection between India and Russia is explained in three major points.

◆ Russia as a strategic partner of India
Based on the non-aligned movement advocated by the first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru , India did not join any camp during the Cold War and continued its non-aligned policy even after the end of the Cold War. Meanwhile, India has relied on the veto power of its permanent member Russia (Soviet Union) to prevent the adoption of a disadvantageous resolution by the UN Security Council regarding the Kashmir conflict with neighboring Pakistan.

The Soviet Union and Russia have used refusal rights six times to protect India, and during the Bangladesh Liberation War that broke out in 1971, the Soviet Union tried to withdraw Indian troops from the conflict area. Rejected the resolution to do. Even in the 21st century, India and Pakistan are still in sporadic clashes , and Mr. Gangley points out that India cannot afford to cut hands with Russia today.

India also has a border problem with China, which borders more than 3,500 km, and expects Russia's support or neutrality in this regard as well. It is difficult for India, which wants to avoid Russia's shouldering over China in the event of further conflicts, to follow international criticisms of Russia.

◆ Russia as India's weapons supplier
India is a country that relies heavily on the Soviet Union and Russia not only for its diplomatic aspects but also for its military power, and it is said that

60-70% of India's weapons are of Russian origin . In recent years, the Indian government has been trying to diversify the countries that import weapons in order to change the system that depends only on Russia, and has imported more than 20 billion dollars (about 2.56 trillion yen) of weapons from the United States in the past 10 years. However, the road to escape from Russia is still far away.

In November 2021, the Russian surface-to-air missile system ' S-400 ' was introduced, and it was reported that the second S-400 was brought in in April after the invasion of Ukraine. In addition, Western countries have not indicated their intention to provide weapons technology for nuclear submarines to India, which is a nuclear power, but Russia has leased Akula-class nuclear submarines to India as a weapon importer. The existence of Russia is huge.

In addition, India is collaboratively developing BrahMos , a supersonic cruise missile, with Russia, with orders from the Philippines . As a result, Gangley pointed out that breaking ties with Russia would be a significant financial and strategic decision for India.

◆ Russia as India's energy supplier
It is not only the defense sector that India depends on Russia, but the energy sector is also closely linked to Russia. Russia, which has signed a domestic

nuclear reactor construction agreement , is a major partner for India in recent years, which promotes private-sector nuclear power generation.

India has a strict nuclear power liability law that states that 'nuclear power plant builders and parts manufacturers are responsible in the event of an accident', and Western countries including the United States are investing in civilian nuclear power generation in India. Not aggressive to. However, the Russian government has stated that it will take the necessary responsibilities in the event of a nuclear power plant accident, so it was able to enter the nuclear power sector in India.

In addition to nuclear power, India is also investing in Russian oil and gas fields. For example, the state-owned Indian Oil and Natural Gas Corporation has long been involved in fossil fuel mining off the coast of Sakhalin Island. Mr Gangley pointed out that India relies on imports for 85% of its oil demand, saying that it would be difficult to block oil imports, even if imports from Russia account for a small proportion. rice field.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said after a ministerial talk with India on April 11, 'The relationship between India and Russia has been built for decades, but times have changed. Wants to be an Indian partner in all areas, 'he said, showing a compromise to India. But Mr Gangley said, 'In terms of diplomacy, military and energy, it will be difficult for India to quickly break its balanced position with Russia.'

in Note, Posted by log1h_ik