What is New York chess hustler that makes money by doing 'gambling chess' and 'paid chess lessons' in the park?

An outdoor chess table is set up in a park called

Union Square in New York City, USA, and chess heroes called 'hustler' play against the general public and make stakes and lesson fees. I'm earning. An article has been published that asks such chess hustler people 'how much do you earn?' 'Do you have a main business?' 'What advice do you have about life?'

Life Advice from NYC Chess Hustlers-by Anne Kadet

The Union Square chess table has existed for over 80 years, where many chess hustlers have been sitting in turn. Ann Cadet, who runs the newsletter ' CAFÉ ANNE ' about New York, interviews three chess hustlers at the request of readers.

◆ Mr. Marcel Anderson
Anderson learned chess in Baltimore, Maryland in 1977, and has lived in New York for about 35 years. Chess Hustler seems to be doing a side job between his main business, but the maximum amount he earned a day reached $ 1,700 (about 200,000 yen), and at least about $ 125 (about 15,000 yen). Is earning. He also said that he does not declare his earnings as a chess hustler as a tax, so considering the tax, he will be able to earn more than his main business.

Mr. Anderson, who has been active as a chess hustler since he was young, is good at games with short time settings, and he seems to like the ultra-short format of 1 game 3 minutes. 'Even if you're a really good player (who you played when you were young), you'll be nervous if you have a time limit. Some people will be overwhelmed by the pressure. I was born under pressure!' He also points out that not everyone wants to bet a lot of money to play chess, and as they get stronger, the level of competition goes up. In addition, Mr. Anderson is so enthusiastic about chess that his girlfriend sometimes called him 'Marcel, either me or a chess piece,' and human relationships may be destroyed by chess. It states that there was. Still, for Anderson, a normal job like a drug counselor is frustrating, and playing chess can also relieve stress.

When asked why he likes chess, Anderson said, 'Because it's like life,' he claims that the

opening , middle and endgames in chess each correspond to three parts of life. From birth to about 26 years old, it is the opening to go to school and start a career, then for 20 to 30 years, a middle game to build a career, get married and raise children, and life after 50 years old is the end 'It's that kind of chess, and so is life,' Anderson said.

Anderson said he had been arrested for selling drugs when he was young in Maryland, but commented, 'This doesn't mean the game is over.' Not only does the opening exist, but life is likened to chess that continues to the end game. 'I want to tell you that no matter what kind of conflict you have, you have to be calm. If you are calm, the board will look clearer. You'll be able to see more clearly who you're doing and who you're doing, 'Anderson advised.

In addition, Mr. Anderson sometimes gives people chess lessons and sometimes dares to win the opponent. In addition to the strategic reason that 'to make you want to play more, you have to win and you have to feel a sense of accomplishment', especially when the opponent is a child playing chess hard. He says he's letting him win.

◆ Mr. EGGS
A chess husler man who takes the initials of his real name and calls himself 'EGGS' does not undertake lessons because he does not have high communication skills like Mr. Anderson, and it is the best puzzle to play or train chess. It seems that the question is being asked. Mr. EGGS will first set a free puzzle, and after grasping the level by looking at the answer accuracy and speed of the other party, he will set an appropriate paid puzzle for that person. It seems that the fee depends on the difficulty of the puzzle to be asked, but basically it is about 5 dollars (about 600 yen).

EGGS claims that Union Square's chess table has a tradition of offering entertainment such as betting money, taking lessons, and playing puzzles. Anyone can sit at the chess table as long as they keep the tradition of 80 years, but since it is basically on a first-come-first-served basis, Mr. EGGS will leave the house at 6:30 in the morning. Hustlers like the corner table that is easy to catch customers, and they have their favorite seats personally, and EGGS seems to like the table near the tree in the middle.

It seems that the amount of money you can earn in a day varies depending on the weather and the table you sit on, but the day Mr. Cadet interviewed was about 100 dollars (about 12,000 yen). Anderson says that there are days when he earns more than $ 1,000 a day, but EGGS said, 'That was years ago. After COVID-19, foreign tourists each I'm back in the country, 'he said, saying it wasn't very successful as of 2022.

When Cadet asked, 'What is the best life advice you can get from your experience as a chess hustler?' EGGS said, 'I'm stuck right now. Giving life advice is I can't. ' Still, when Cadet ate down, he replied, 'Chess rewards those who study, so to be common in life, you have to study.'

◆ Nathaniel Williams
Williams is a native New Yorker who learned chess from his mother at the age of 11 and has been playing chess at Union Square for 43 years since 1978 when he was discharged from the Air Force at the age of 23. What has changed in 43 years is that more people are playing chess than in the past. Williams says that children aged 8 to 10 who learn chess on a computer can beat adults.

Some chess players who come to Union Square are not only gamblers who want to exchange money, but also those who just want to play chess or play chess and tell them their weaknesses and strengths. .. Mr. Williams seems to be a type that does not gamble, and it is a game format such as '5 minutes game is 5 dollars' '1 game is 10 dollars (about 1200 yen)' or '20 dollars (about 2400 yen) 30 minutes lesson I am taking money in the lesson format. It seems that some children come every week and students from the State University of New York, and as a student discount, they also offer a service called '1 hour for 40 dollars (about 4800 yen)'. Also, although Williams himself does not smoke, he also has cigarettes to sell to his opponents.

Williams used to work in the welfare department of New York City, but retired in the 1980s due to drug-related issues. After that, he got a job again in the finance department and got a job of computer and data entry, and retired in 2014. During that time, I was doing chess hustler as a side business, but after the COVID-19 epidemic, I built a hut in the backyard of my house and made chess lovers serve cheap home cooking, beer, and chess. Also said that it started.

When Mr. Cadet asked, 'What is your life advice?', Mr. Williams said, 'I tell everyone that I should be familiar with the Bible, even if I am non-religious.' Claims that 99% of the bad things do not have to be done. 'Stealing, lying, taking drugs, wanting someone else's belongings or lover. In the old days, sleeping with someone else's wife was a deadly sin, and stones were thrown. Stop doing things! If you stop doing these things, you can eliminate 99% of the bad things. You may still make mistakes, you may say bad words, but stealing, robbery, lies ... If you exclude that from the program, you will be 99% better as a person. '

in Note, Posted by log1h_ik