Information leak of food delivery service reveals the name of a Russian intelligence employee, including details of Putin's daughter's place of residence

In March 2022, a major Russian internet company, Yandex,
Food Delivery Leak Unmasks Russian Security Agents --bellingcat
In March 2022, Yandex, a major Russian internet company, announced that its user's personal information was leaked from its food delivery service ' Yandex Eda ' due to employee misconduct. The leaked information includes the user's 'email address', 'phone number', 'address', 'order details', and 'user's location information at the time of ordering', and it is reported that the number of victims will reach 58,000. is.
Bellingcat compared the information leaked from Yandex Eda with its own database from other sources to analyze information about people in Russian intelligence and military installations. As a result, a phone number that matches Bellingcat's 'phone number of the person who was calling the Federal Security Service (FSB) staff involved in the attempted poisoning of Putin's political enemy Alexei Navalny.' Was discovered, and the name of the person was found. In addition, it has been revealed that the person was using a food delivery service from a laboratory located in Dubna, northern Moscow. Also, this person used his work email address to register with Yandex Eda.
In addition, as a result of searching for 'Khoroshovskoye Shosse 76' in Moscow, where the headquarters of the General Information Bureau (GRU) of the Russian Federation Army Chief of Staff, which is in charge of espionage activities and special forces operations of the Russian Army, is located, 4 orders were hit. am. Bellingcat explained why only four hits were made: 'GRU headquarters may have restricted the use of food delivery services to staff, or it may be due to the fact that there are many restaurants within walking distance. '.

A search by the address of the FSB's special mission facility located in Barashiha, a suburb of Moscow, found 20 hits, more than the GRU headquarters. In addition, Yandex Eda users of this facility said in the contact information column to the delivery driver, 'There are three barriers near the blue building, so please call there.' 'The delivery point is an exclusion zone. Meeting place. Please call us 10 minutes before your arrival, as we will pick you up. '

As mentioned above, it turns out that users who place delivery orders from intelligence agencies and military facilities tend to state that they are in an 'exclusion zone' as a matter of contact to the driver. So, when I searched for orders that contained the word 'войсковая часть (unit)' in the contact information, I found dozens of orders that included the instruction 'For military facilities, please get off at the entrance of the facility.' rice field.

Information leaked from Yandex Eda reveals more than just intelligence and military installations. For example, as a result of searching by the name of a person reportedly 'daughter of President Putin's mistress', the person is worth 170 million rubles (about 240 million yen) from the contents of the order found 400 It turns out that he lives in a room of square meters.
Slitoj Baze Blagodara «Andeksa» Naslas Ese Odna Kvartira Eks-Lubovnicy Putina Svetlany Krivonogih. Imenno Tuda Ih Doc Luiza Rozova Zakazyvala Edu. Kvartira 400 M², Stoit Primerno 170 Mln Rublej! Https://T.Co/z3uGKOdQhc Pic.Twitter.Com / tOGXOsFmRY
— Соболь Любовь (@SobolLubov) March 23, 2022
Regarding the fact that the information leaked from Yandex Eda revealed a lot of information, the technology-related media The Verge said, 'When I witnessed that this much analysis is possible from the information leaked from Yandex Eda, Uber Eats and Door Dash I'm worried about the amount of information that large food delivery services such as Grubhub have. In 2019, DoorDash leaked personal information for 4.9 million people. This is from the personal information leaked from Yandex Eda. It's a much larger number. '
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