Ukraine asks 'all game companies' such as Sony and Microsoft to suspend all accounts in Russia and Belarus

Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Fedorov has issued a statement calling on 'all gaming companies and esports platforms' to suspend all user accounts in Russia and Belarus and to suspend esports events.

Deputy Prime Minister Fedorov posted a statement on Wednesday, March 2, 2022 to 'All Gaming Companies and Esports Platforms' on his Twitter account. In a statement, Deputy Prime Minister Fedorov called for ' suspension of all accounts in Russia and Belarus,' 'suspension of teams from both countries from participating in international esports events,' and 'suspension of international events in both countries.'

He also named PlayStation and Xbox, 'You know what's happening in Ukraine right now. Russia is declaring war not only on Ukraine but on the whole world.' We are also looking for efforts to improve the situation.

In addition, immediately after the above tweet, he told major game companies such as Riot Games, EA, Ubisoft, Gameloft, Wargaming, 'Currently Russian troops are bombing Ukrainian cities and killing Ukrainians. To stop this. Please cooperate with us. Please close the office in Russia! There is no location of the invaders on the technical map of the world! '

In addition, overseas media Ars Technica is requesting comments on the above statement from Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft, Valve, but it is said that no response has been obtained at the time of writing the article.

in Game, Posted by log1o_hf