The new Pokemon Quass of 'Pokemon Scarlet Violet' becomes popular overseas when it resembles Donald

The partner Pokemon 'Quass' that appears in the latest Pokemon series '

Pokemon Scarlet Violet ' scheduled to be released worldwide in the winter of 2022 is gaining popularity among overseas users.

Pokémon fans joke that the new starter, Quaxly is actually Donald Duck --Polygon

In 'Pokémon Presents 2.27' broadcast on February 27, 2022, 'Pokemon Scarlet Violet', the completely latest work of the Pokemon series, was announced. You can check the details such as the released video from the following article.

'Pokemon Scarlet Violet' will be released worldwide in the winter of 2022, and the appearance of partner Pokemon Nyaoha Hogeta Kwassu-GIGAZINE

Although it was only glimpsed in the video, it is revealed on the official website that the partner Pokemon of 'Pokemon Scarlet Violet' will be Nyaoh Hogeta Quass from the left.

Partner Pokemon is introduced not only on the official website but also on the

Pokemon Information Bureau of Pokemon's official Twitter account, and at the time of article creation, Nyaoha has 77,000 retweets, 130,000 likes, and Hogeta has 68,000 retweets.・ 99,000 likes, 56,000 retweets of quass・ 88,000 likes, and you can see that Nyaoha is especially popular in Japan.

If you check the trend of Japan at midnight on February 28, 2022 at Twittrend where you can look back on the trends of each region on Twitter, Hogeta is ranked 3rd and Nyaoha is ranked 6th, while Kwass is 50th. Not even within.

On the other hand, overseas, it has been talked about that Quaxley resembles Disney's popular character Donald Duck.

The voluminous blue head of the quass is like Donald Duck's blue hat, so the tweet 'I'm glad that Donald is added to Pokemon' ...

'The old internet meme Dolan (a sloppy Donald Duck illustration drawn in Microsoft paint) has become a reality.'

Some users even post images of Donald Duck side by side, saying that this is the final evolution of the quass. When you put them side by side, you certainly feel something close.

Yet another user expects the three-stage evolution of the quass to be as follows.

'Thanks to my partner Pokemon for Donald Duck! I love it!'

The image posted with the tweet 'Let's describe this Pokémon Presents in one word' has the words 'Thank you for changing my life.'


'Quass is my beloved duck'

Illustration of a quass in Donald Duck costume from Kingdom Hearts

Some users immediately post a large number of illustrations.

It seems that there are many users who are worried about the head part of the quass, and the user who made the illustration like Jotaro Kujo because it seems to be wearing a hat ...

There was also an illustration in which the head of the quass was made into toothpaste, saying, 'Don't forget to brush your teeth.'

If you check the world trend at 00:00 on February 28, 2022 on Twittrend, 'Donald Duck' (28th) and 'Quaxly', which were not in the top 50 in Japan, '(31st place) is ranked in.

in Game, Posted by logu_ii