A 13-year-old boy develops 'a device for diagnosing pneumonia by the smell of exhaled breath'

With the advent of 3D printers and inexpensive single computer boards, an environment is being created where individuals can create medical-related devices such as self
How a 13-year-old used my artificial nose to diagnose pneumonia --Benjamin Cabé
Second Sense: Build an AI Smart Nose --Make:
The much talked about pneumonia diagnostic device was developed by customizing the 'artificial nose' released in 2021 by Microsoft programmer Benjamin Kabe . The artificial nose is the device shown in the upper left of the image below, and it has a gas sensor and a computer board inside, and it is possible to estimate the type of object by analyzing the components of the gas emitted from the object.

Mr. Kabe has released the 3D data of this artificial nose and the source code of the firmware, and explained the details of how to make it on the self-made device information site Make .

After that, Mr. Kabe was asked a question about artificial nose by Mr. Caleb, a 13-year-old boy living in California. When Kabe contacted Caleb, Caleb had been investigating pulmonary fungal disease for several months and was able to develop an artificial nose that was less burdensome to the patient and cheaper than existing methods. It turned out that he was trying to utilize the idea.
After that, Caleb referred to the research results on the characteristics of volatile substances emitted by humans and volatile substances emitted by people suffering from pulmonary fungal disease, and equipped with AI to distinguish pulmonary fungal disease. We have developed a device for diagnosing pulmonary fungal diseases. Below is an idea sketch of a diagnostic device drawn by Caleb.
In the movie below, you can see Kabe and Caleb talking about the pulmonary fungal disease diagnostic device on Microsoft's official distribution.
The pulmonary fungal disease diagnostic device looks like this. The third man from the top on the left side of the screen is Mr. Kabe, and the boy in the bottom again is Mr. Caleb.

At the top of the diagnostic device are the components of the artificial nose that Mr. Kabe had published.
Caleb is currently writing a paper on diagnostic devices, and the paper will be published soon.
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