AliExpress and WeChat added to 'Infamous Market List' for Trademark Counterfeiting and Intellectual Property Infringement
The United States
USTR Releases 2021 Review of Notorious Markets for Counterfeiting and Piracy | United States Trade Representative
WeChat, AliExpress Are Latest Names on US List of Notorious Piracy Markets --Bloomberg
Alibaba, Tencent E-Commerce Sites Tagged by US for Counterfeit Sales --WSJ
Since 2011, the USTR has published the 'Worst Market List That Threatens Intellectual Property Rights' once a year. The 2021 list identifies 42 online and 35 offline markets that are reported to be forging, infringing, or promoting trademarks.
In the 2021 market list, USTR said AliExpress and WeChat are 'two important online markets based in China and are reported to substantially contribute to trademark forgery.' I am.
The USTR acknowledges that Alibaba has the best anti-counterfeiting processes and systems in the e-commerce industry, but points out that the number of counterfeit products handled by AliExpress has increased significantly. Some of these counterfeit products are falsely advertised as genuine, while others are overtly appealing to be counterfeit products.
The USTR also estimates that WeChat and its payment service for China, Weixin, will have more than 1.2 billion active users worldwide as of 2021, making it the largest counterfeit platform in China. It states that it is. In particular, the e-commerce system that works within WeChat is of concern, pointing out that the lack of seller screening on WeChat is a serious issue.
by Cheon Fong Liew
In addition to the list, there are 'Pinduoduo', one of the largest online shopping platforms in China, 'Taobao' operated by Alibaba, which is the same as AliExpress, 'Baidu Wangpan', a cloud storage service of Baidu, and a mailing service provider. DH Gate etc. are also posted.
'We understand that intellectual property protection is an issue and are committed to leading the industry in this area,' said Alibaba, who was listed on AliExpress. He has issued a statement and is willing to accept the USTR's reputation. On the other hand, Tencent, who runs WeChat, said he strongly disagrees with the USTR's decision, but said, 'We are investing a lot of resources to combat counterfeiting and intellectual property infringement, and we are solving the problem. We will work with USTR to do this. '
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