Intel develops dedicated mining chip
In response to rising demand for virtual currency (cryptocurrency), Intel, which was reported to be '
Blockchain and the New Custom Compute Group
Intel launches blockchain chip to tap crypto boom | Reuters
Intel says its new crypto chip is designed to be energy-efficient --The Verge
Intel has announced its intention to contribute to the development of blockchain technology to support blockchain , which is the underlying technology of concepts such as Metaverse , Web3.0 , and cryptocurrencies, which have been attracting attention in recent years. Intel says it will help build and promote an open and secure blockchain ecosystem.
Since some blockchains require a huge amount of computing power, there is a problem that a huge amount of heat energy is generated. Therefore, Intel will try to maximize the potential of blockchain technology while minimizing the impact on the environment by developing the most energy-efficient technology on a large scale.
Intel Labs, Intel's research institute, has been devoted to researching reliable cryptography, hashing technology, and ultra-low voltage circuits for many years. Intel claims that these studies will enable us to develop blockchain accelerators that perform more than 1000 times better per watt than SHA-256-based mining-only GPUs.
According to Intel, the company's first blockchain semiconductor will be shipped in the second half of 2022, and its first customers include companies such as Argo Blockchain , BLOCK and GRIID Infrastructure .
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in Hardware, Posted by logu_ii