Amazon Prime's annual membership fee has been raised to about 2000 yen

Amazon's paid membership service ' Amazon Prime ' is offered in Japan for 500 yen per month or 4900 yen per year. In the United States, the annual membership fee of Amazon Prime was 119 dollars (about 14,000 yen), but it became clear that this will be raised to 139 dollars (about 16,000 yen).
Amazon will increase the annual price of Prime in the US | Ars Technica

Amazon raises price of annual Prime membership to $ 139: NPR
Amazon Prime's price is going up to $ 139 per year --The Verge
Amazon has announced that it will raise prime membership fees in the United States from $ 119 to $ 139 annually. Along with this, the monthly fee will be raised from $ 12.99 (about 1500 yen) to $ 14.99 (about 1700 yen). The old price is applied at the time of article creation, but the new price after the price increase will be applied to newly registered users after February 18, 2022, and the new price will be applied to existing members after March 25, 2022. Will be.
The increase in annual membership fees for Prime members was revealed after Amazon's quarterly and annual earnings reports for investors. Amazon announced in its financial results that operating profit in the fourth quarter of 2021 was 3.5 billion dollars (about 400 billion yen), which is a significant decrease from 6.9 billion dollars (about 790 billion yen) in the same period of the previous year. It was done. In addition, Amazon itself cites 'expansion of products and services for members and increase in transportation costs and wages' as the reason for the increase in prime member prices.
This is the third price increase in the United States since the introduction of Amazon Prime in 2005. The first price increase was implemented in 2014, when it was changed from $ 79 (about 9100 yen) to $ 99 (about 11,000 yen). Then, in 2018, a second price increase was implemented, raising the annual membership fee for Amazon Prime from $ 99 to $ 119.
Amazon announced this time 'Price increase of Amazon Prime in the United States', but according to Amazon, it is also considering price increases in other countries and regions every year. However, at the time of writing the article, there are no plans to announce price increases outside the United States.
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in Web Service, Posted by logu_ii