I tried the fragrant new sprinkle 'bonito' from Mishima Foods of 'Yukari'

Mishima Foods, which sells the red bonito sprinkle '
Skipjack | Yukari ® Mishima Foods
The 'bonito' package looks like this. The characteristic 'crispy and fluffy' texture of the product is emphasized in the letters.

The raw materials used are bonito bonito flakes, sugar, and salt.

Calories are 323 kcal per 100 g. The content of one bag is 10g.

Open the seal and sprinkle it on hot rice. The sprinkle that shakes off with a crisp sound gives off a nice scent of dried bonito flakes.

It's a simple sprinkle of dried bonito, but it's well seasoned with salt and soy sauce, so the chopsticks go on and on. The texture is just crispy and fluffy, and it makes a light noise every time the dried bonito is chewed. The steam of the rice will make the texture less crispy over time, but the flavor will not change much, so it will be a satisfying taste even if you sprinkle it on rice balls.
'Katsuo' is scheduled to be sold from February 1, 2022 (Monday), and the suggested retail price is 130 yen excluding tax.
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in Tasting, Posted by log1p_kr