'The sixth mass extinction on Earth has already begun,' scientists warn
It is said that five
The Sixth Mass Extinction: fact, fiction or speculation? --Cowie ---- Biological Reviews --Wiley Online Library
Scientists Warn that Sixth Mass Extinction Has'Probably Started'
Mass extinction refers to a catastrophe that kills more than 75% of the species on Earth in a short period of time. Some scientists have warned that such a mass extinction is currently occurring on Earth. The sixth mass extinction that is occurring on this planet is believed to have been caused by human activity.
A research team led by Professor Robert Cowie of the Pacific Center for Biological Sciences, University of Hawaii has published a new research paper in the scientific journal Biological Reviews. The paper points out that 'the sixth mass extinction is likely to have begun on land and freshwater.'
Philippe Bouchet and Benoit Fontaine, members of the research team and biologists at the National Museum of Natural History in Paris, said, 'The sixth mass extinction has probably begun. Discussions to counter those who deny it. 'In the paper,' 'denying the theory that the sixth mass extinction has begun is like ignoring the rapidly accumulating pile of data (mass extinction has occurred). There is no longer any room for skepticism. '
The research team claims that a sixth mass extinction has occurred, based on a study of invertebrates, including snails, clams and slugs, with reference to a vast amount of past research. 'For the extinction of birds and mammals,
There have been claims that a sixth mass extinction has occurred, but some papers have argued based on IUCN data. However, when a research team led by Kawee summarizes the extinction rates of snails and slugs, it is clear that 7.5 to 13% of species may have become extinct since 1500. 'The bottom line is that these estimates show far higher extinction rates than past figures,' Kawee said.
According to the research team, the extinction of living things on Earth is far more pronounced on land than on sea. However, extinction is occurring among marine organisms, and it is said that extinction is progressing more rapidly around islands such as Hawaii than in the coastal areas of the continent.
'Human laissez-faire attitudes towards extinction are morally wrong,' Kawee said. 'I feel we should do in the face of this crisis.' I feel obliged to express my opinion about what I am. I'm not just presenting the data and I'm not saying it's over. This is an important issue and what should be done to solve this issue. 'I think the most important thing we can do in the future is to store endangered species in as many museums as possible, so that we have 200, 300, 500 years. Years later, this creature will be able to discuss something. '
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in Science, Posted by logu_ii