The James Webb Space Telescope launched by NASA succeeds in fully deploying the mirror

The primary mirror of the 'James Webb Space Telescope ' launched at the end of 2021 as the successor to the 'Hubble Space Telescope' has been fully deployed. In the future, the location will be moved to the Lagrange point (L2) and observations will be made with high accuracy.
NASA's Webb Telescope Reaches Major Milestone as Mirror Unfolds | NASA
The Hubble Space Telescope was launched in 1990 and has been conducting astronomical observations that cannot be done from the ground. Initially, the operation period was planned to be 15 years, but by repairing the defects found in the early stage, it became possible to demonstrate high performance, the operation period was extended, and repairs are carried out every time a failure occurs. Operation continues even in 2022.
The James Webb Space Telescope was developed as a successor to the Hubble Space Telescope and was launched on December 25, 2021 after several postponements.
The Launch of the James Webb Space Telescope-YouTube
After the launch, the structure was unfolded, the sunshield opened on January 4, and then the primary mirror of the telescope that had been folded inside the aircraft was unfolded. After the deployment is complete, we will spend the next few months adjusting the orientation of the mirrors using the actuators on the back of each mirror. The first image is expected to be sent to the ground in the summer of 2022.
The position will also be moved to the Lagrange point (L2). Thanks to the successful launch with extremely high accuracy, the amount of propellant used when moving to the Lagrange point can be saved, so the planned operation period of 5 to 10 years will be a little longer.
Animation: The James Webb Space Telescope's Orbit-YouTube
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