Mafia who had escaped for 20 years appears in Google Street View and is arrested

In 2002, he succeeded in jailbreaking from a prison in Rome, Italy, and the fleeing mafia boss was arrested. Google Street View played a big role in the search.

Mafia, il superlatitante Gammino scovato dopo vent'anni con Google Maps vicino a Madrid --la Repubblica

Gioacchino Gammino, latitante da 20 anni, scovato con Google Maps VIDEO

Italian mafia fugitive arrested in Spain after Google Street View sighting | Mafia | The Guardian

The person arrested this time was Gioacchino Gamino, the boss of the Mafia in Agrigento , Sicily. In 1989, Gamino was mistaken for a mafia and killed a passerby during a conflict with the hostile mafia. He fled to Spain, but was arrested in 1998. He was sentenced to life imprisonment for several crimes, including murder, and was imprisoned in Levivia Prison in Rome.

However, in 2002, when a movie was filmed in the prison, he was jailbroken by a relative of a prisoner who was just visiting the prison. I escaped again.

Italian police have worked to arrest Gamino inmates, and in 2014 issued a European Arrest Warrant that expanded the search area to the entire EU. Later, when police conducted a Google Street View search, a person who appeared to be a Gamino prisoner was found chatting in front of a fruit and vegetable store in Madrid, Spain.

The following is the fruit and vegetable store. Of the two men shown in the July 2018 shot, the shorter one on the right is Gamino inmate.

As a result of this discovery narrowing the search range, police found a Gamino inmate who was introduced as a 'chef' on the Facebook page of a nearby restaurant. Gamino was working under a pseudonym, but was arrested on December 17, 2021 because the scar on his left chin matched the record.

La Repubblica, a large Italian letter, reports that Gamino was arrested when he was arrested, saying, 'How did you find it? I haven't been in contact with my family for 10 years.' The Guardian, a big British letter, also contacted law enforcement officials, who said, 'We don't always check Google Street View to find fugitives. We were able to lead us to Spain and choose the right path with the help of Google Street View. '

by [email protected]

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