Switching to e-cigarettes will increase the success rate of smoking cessation by 8 times

The price of cigarettes is rising year by year and the number of places where you can smoke is decreasing, but it is difficult for people who smoke on a daily basis to quit smoking. Meanwhile, a research team at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute reported that 'people who switch to e-cigarettes are more than eight times more likely to quit smoking.'
Association of e-Cigarette Use With Discontinuation of Cigarette Smoking Among Adult Smokers Who Were Initially Never Planning to Quit | Lifestyle Behaviors | JAMA Network Open | JAMA Network

Daily Vaping Dramatically Ups Quit Rate in Heavy Smokers Not Aiming to Quit | Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center --Buffalo, NY
The research team conducted a follow-up study of smoking status from 2014 to 2019 with 1,600 smokers who were not willing to quit smoking. As a result, it was found that 6.2% of the subjects had quit smoking, and 28% had succeeded in quitting smoking when limited to those who switched to e-cigarettes. Furthermore, it was revealed that the relationship between switching to e-cigarettes and successful smoking cessation is maintained regardless of educational background, income, gender, ethnicity, number of cigarettes smoked per day, etc.

'The findings suggest that e-cigarettes may help'people who aren't quitting smoking'to quit smoking,' said Andrew Highland, a member of the research team. The study focuses only on those who are actively trying to quit smoking, so it is possible to miss the benefits of e-cigarettes, 'said e-cigarettes to help' people who are not willing to quit smoking. ' I emphasize that.
'Evidence that e-cigarettes help people quit smoking has been shown in clinical trials, but census results have been mixed,' said Karin Cassa, also a member of the research team. We were able to identify a link between e-cigarettes and smoking cessation among non-aggressive smokers. '
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in Science, Posted by log1o_hf