Microsoft inadvertently rewrites the MIT license project to Microsoft's name and apologizes


Thomas Hawk

Microsoft has rewritten and forked the MIT licensed project published on Github under the Microsoft name. Microsoft's open source software program representatives have acknowledged and apologized for this incident.

LICENSE updated to template · microsoft / grpc_bench @ 04c7143 · GitHub

Microsoft forked MIT licensed repo and changed the copyright [fixed] | Hacker News

Microsoft fork changing the license?: opensource

The project in question is a gRPC benchmark program called 'grpc_bench' published by Lesny Rumcajs.

GitHub --LesnyRumcajs / grpc_bench: Various gRPC benchmarks

Although grpc_bench was granted the MIT license that 'free and unlimited use is permitted as long as the copyright notice and this license notice are stated', Microsoft rewrote the license owner to Microsoft and forked it.

GitHub-microsoft / grpc_bench: Various gRPC benchmarks

If you look at the changes in the license file committed by microsoft opensource, you can see that the copyright notation has been changed from '2020 Lesny Rumcajs' to 'Microsoft Corporation.'

Github users commented on this phenomenon, saying, 'Microsoft has finally done it.'

According to a post on Hacker News by Jeff Wilcox , director of Microsoft's open source programming team, this phenomenon is due to a bot designed to automatically commit template files to a new repository.

This bot was created to prevent problems that could occur when the project was released, but creating a fork was an unexpected behavior. Wilcox promised to re-examine for other similar phenomena and apologized, 'I'm sorry for this.'

in Software, Posted by darkhorse_log