OPPO announces 'Air Glass', a one-eyed AR glass that looks like a scouter

OPPO, a Chinese smartphone maker, announced at its product launch event '
OPPO Introduces Revolutionary Air Glass at INNO DAY 2021 | OPPO Global
OPPO announces Air Glass'assisted reality' device --The Verge
You can see what kind of product Air Glass is by watching the following movie.
OPPO Air Glass | OPPO INNO DAY 2021 --YouTube
Air Glass is attached to a special eyeglass-shaped frame.

Fit Air Glass to the vine of the special frame.

A mechanism that adheres Air Glass exactly with the magnet attached to the vine of the special glasses. It weighs about 30g and is very light.

Inside the Air Glass, information is projected in a single color 2D using a micro LED projector, five glass lenses, and

Swipe the vine with your finger ...
Operate the information to be displayed by tapping it. It can also be operated by voice or head movement. The information to be displayed can be set from the OPPO smartphone or OPPO's smart watch 'OPPO Watch 2'.

In addition to displaying weather, calendar, and healthcare information, Air Glass has a prompter function that displays the presentation manuscript inside the lens.

Also, if both the speaker and the listener are wearing Air Glass, the voice input from the user is automatically translated into the text of the target language, and real-time translation that is automatically displayed on the paired partner's Air Glass is possible. That is. The translation function of Air Glass supports two-way translation between Mandarin and English at the time of article creation, and we plan to support two-way translation between Mandarin-Japanese and Mandarin-Korean in the future.

It can also be linked with OPPO's smart watch 'OPPO Watch 2' and can be operated from the smart watch or by reading the movement of the hand.

If you register your destination from OPPOWatch 2, you can also navigate while cycling. OPPO plans to collaborate with Baidu, the largest search engine in China, to release apps such as 'Baidu Walk & Bike Navigation' and 'Explore Neighborhood for OPPO Air Glass'.

Air Glass is scheduled to go on sale in the Chinese market in the first quarter of 2022 (January-March), and the price is unknown. There are two main body colors, black and white.

There are two types of dedicated frames that can be fitted with Air Glass, a silver half rim type and a black full rim type. It's unclear if a prescription lens can be placed in the frame, but OPPO states that 'Air Glass is designed for people with myopia and hyperopia.'

Levin Liu, vice president of OPPO and director of the OPPO Institute, said, 'OPPO has long pursued the potential of mixed reality (XR), but with Air Glass, we are finally developing smart glasses that are truly accessible to consumers. As its futuristic design shows, Air Glass will revolutionize the way information is viewed and consumed. Air Glass's easy-to-use display brings the necessary and important message in front of you. You can see it. With Air Glass, the world will never look the same again. '
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