The new German government pledges to strengthen privacy such as 'encryption rights' and 'anonymity rights'
Koalitionsvertrag 2021-2025
Kommentar zum Koalitionsvertrag: Ampel verspricht Stärkung digitaler Grundrechte
Koalitionsvertrag: Das plant die Ampel in der Netzpolitik
Germany: New government plans'right to encryption'.
In Germany, where the Gestapo , a secret police organization, has a history of strict civil surveillance under the Hitler administration, there are very strong calls for privacy rights. However, if privacy law excessively restricts access to personal information by government agencies, it will be difficult to detect potential criminals, so citizens seeking privacy and police who want to capture criminals using personal information There was a tension between the mechanisms, which could be called a tug of war.
As of 2015, the Mercel administration signed the 'Confidential Communication Enhancement Charter ' with the goal of promoting end-to-end encryption and becoming the world's number one encryption power, but immediately after that, it changed its policy and others. Announced its intention to work with EU countries to request legal access to encrypted data. This change has been hit hard by Congress, but in December 2020, a resolution 'emphasizing the importance of encryption for security and indirectly asking the authorities for a backdoor of encryption'. Was adopted by the European Council.
Under these circumstances, the Social Democratic Party of Germany, which has achieved a change of government, has announced a new pledge in the coalition government, and it has been talked about that this government pledge includes privacy enhancement measures that respond to the voices of digital rights activists. is. Below is a brief description of each item related to privacy enhancement.
◆ Surveillance and Citizenship : Illegal automatic scoring system using biometric technology and AI in public spaces.
◆ Expansion of digital infrastructure and broadband : Expansion of 5G communication network and home optical fiber network led by local government.
◆ Administrative modernization and digital nation : Construction of IT system that can be used by each local government under the initiative of the federal government.
◆ IT security : Contents that impose on the government, such as the right to encrypt, so that genuine encrypted communication can be performed. Independence of the Federal Department of Information Security from the Federal Ministry of Interior.
◆ Police : Review of police database and renewal of processing rules.
◆ Data protection and data policy : Enhanced online privacy. Introducing penalties for illegal de-anonymization.
◆ Digital consumer protection : Introducing advanced consumer protection regulations such as the right to repair.
◆ Freedom of information and transparency : Promotion of visualization, such as comprehensive disclosure of the influence of third parties on the bill.
◆ Culture / Education : New investment in culture / education such as game development and university digital infrastructure research.
◆ Digitization and Sustainability : Introducing a digital product passport that allows you to view data such as substances contained in the product, repairability, and details on disposal methods. Warranty provisions for repair parts and software updates during the general life of an IT device.
◆ Social media and content moderation : Increased responsibility on the platform side for digital violence such as slander and photo posting without consent.
◆ Algorithm system and artificial intelligence : Support for the 'European AI Regulation Bill ' that applies different strength regulations depending on the degree of danger of the system.
◆ Copyright : Enactment of a bill that ensures freedom of information and freedom of expression even when there is an automated decision-making mechanism such as upload filters.
◆ Digitization of health management : Introduction of electronic medical records for all National Health Insurance members.
◆ Reproductive Self-Determination : The abolition of the current law that you will be punished if you post information about abortion on your website.
◆ Participation and Civil Society : Promotion of digital civil society, such as strengthening the petition system and visualizing digital volunteers.
◆ Big Tech and Competitive Management : Demands for technology companies such as communication confidentiality, high level data protection, IT security, and end-to-end encryption. Tighter regulations on anti-competitive acquisitions of IT companies.
Germany's new Schorz administration is expected to take effect on December 8, 2021.
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in Security, Posted by darkhorse_log