US Space Force General testifies that 'Russia and China are attacking US satellites every day'

Space Forces Race is heating up, with General David Thompson, Deputy Secretary of Operations for the Space Force, saying, 'Russia and China are attacking US satellites daily by non-physical means.' I emphasized that.

Opinion | A shadow war in space is heating up fast --The Washington Post

General Thompson told The Washington Post, 'Currently, the Space Force is responding to day-to-day attacks on US government satellites, including lasers and radio frequency jammers. It is a 'reversible attack' that is carried out by the United States and does not cause permanent damage to the satellite. '

General Thompson admitted that the attacks came from Russia and China, but declined to mention whether so far had been attacks that would cause serious damage to the satellite, saying, 'That's what happened. If so, it will be treated as confidential. '

It is reported that China is actively working on arms race in space, such as launching satellites into space at twice the speed of the United States. In addition, China has launched a satellite equipped with a robot arm that can grab space debris and other satellites, and deployed a laser launcher on the ground that prevents photography from the satellite, which may lead to warfare. It is said that it is actively developing technologies that may lead to it.

General Thompson said, 'China is far ahead of Russia. China is building hundreds of intelligence activities to monitor everywhere in the world, as well as a global positioning system using its own satellites. The United States It still has the best capabilities in the world, but if it continues, it will be overtaken by China in the next 10 years, 'he emphasized the importance of military expansion in space.

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