Experts point out that there is no 'ventilation' standard required for new corona measures

For the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), which has been rampant in the world since the beginning of 2020, the infection route has long been said to be 'droplet infection', but that alone has a strong infectivity and indoors and outdoors. It is suggested

that 'the definition of airborne infection should be fundamentally revised ' because it cannot explain the difference in infection. Following this, four microbiologists and indoor environmental scientists have published a paper on the 'air quality' of public spaces.

Why don't we just open the windows? | The BMJ

The papers are Professor Stephanie J. Dancer, a microbiologist at the University of Edinburgh Napier , Professor Philomena M. Brusen, Professor of Indoor Environment, Delft University of Technology , Professor Yugo Lee, Professor of Architectural Environment, University of Hong Kong, and Julian, a virologist at the Department of Respiratory Medicine, University of Leicester.・ Written by Professor W. Tan and published in the medical journal The BMJ.

In the paper, Professor Dancer and his colleagues point out that while 'social distance,' 'wearing a mask,' and 'vaccination' have been implemented as infection control measures, 'appropriate indoor ventilation' has been postponed.

One reason is that most funding organizations prioritize the most urgent and commercially beneficial social issues, while improving 'air quality' is for outside and shyness. It is also mentioned that a large amount of energy is required to control temperature and humidity.

In addition, although public health strategies have been established for food, water, and pollution, there is no unified standard for air quality in public spaces, and the application is inconsistent, the paper points out.

It is possible to 'open the window' without a ventilation system that requires regular maintenance, but because it is not a panacea for COVID-19 etc., dancer professors are working with scientists to tackle the problem. He calls for the support of policy makers.

In addition, when ventilating, when you 'open the window', you need to be careful because there are ways to open windows that allow ventilation to proceed well and ways to open windows that do not.

Good ventilation method | Air and living | A company that gives answers with air | Daikin Industries, Ltd.

Office / Store Edition | Good Ventilation Method | Air and Living | A Company That Gives Answers with Air | Daikin Industries, Ltd.

Specifically, as Daikin Industries shows, it would be best if the windows could be opened so that there was an air passage diagonally in the room.

If you have only one window that can be opened, install a fan or circulator facing the outside of the window for better air flow. In the opposite direction, if it is installed so that the outdoor air is sent inward, the dirty air in the room may not go out and stay in the room.

If the room does not have windows, install a fan or circulator to send air out of the room. It's OK if you let the air out of the house from the ventilation fan in the bathroom, toilet, or kitchen.

in Science, Posted by logc_nt