IBM announces the world's first 127 qubit processor 'Eagle'

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IBM, which publishes the roadmap for quantum computers , has announced the Eagle, the first quantum processor to achieve 127 qubits.

IBM Unveils Breakthrough 127-Qubit Quantum Processor

IBM Quantum breaks the 100-qubit processor barrier | IBM Research Blog

On November 16, 2021, IBM announced the quantum processor 'Eagle' that realizes 127 qubits at the IBM Quantum Summit 2021 , an event that announces hardware and software for the realization of quantum computers. bottom.

'Eagle' is IBM's quantum processor with over 100 operable qubits. This follows IBM's 2020 65-qubit quantum processor 'Hummingbird' and the 27-qubit 'Falcon' quantum processor announced in 2019. We have succeeded in increasing the amount of qubits while reducing errors and architecture and reducing the number of required components. 'Eagle' has succeeded in significantly increasing the number of qubits by arranging control wiring at multiple physical levels in the processor while maintaining the qubits in a single layer.

With the increasing number of qubits, users are at a new level in performing experiments and applications, such as optimizing machine learning and modeling new molecules and materials used in a wide range of fields from the energy industry to the drug discovery process. IBM explains that it will be possible to explore the problem. In addition, IBM said, 'It is a quantum processor that enables simulation on a scale that cannot be reliably simulated by conventional computers. In fact, in a 127 qubit processor, the number of bits is currently living 7.5 billion people's atoms. It exceeds the total number of. '

'Eagle is a big step towards a day when quantum computers outperform classic computers in useful applications,' said Dr. Dario Gil, IBM's senior vice president and director of research. It has the power to transform the field and tackle the biggest problems of our time, which is why IBM continues to innovate in quantum hardware and software design, quantum computers and traditional computers. That's why we build ways for workloads to work together and build a global ecosystem that is essential to the growth of the quantum industry. '

In 2019, IBM announced the world's first integrated quantum computing system, the IBM Quantum System One. Since then, IBM has been using the IBM Quantum System One as the basis for cloud-based quantum services, and IBM's cloud quantum services have been introduced at the Fraunhofer Research Organization in Germany, the University of Tokyo in Japan, and Cleveland Clinic in the United States. I am.

IBM announces the world's first commercial quantum computer 'IBM Q System One'-GIGAZINE

At the same time as the announcement of the new quantum processor, IBM also announced 'IBM Quantum System Two', which is the next generation system of IBM Quantum System One. The IBM Quantum System Two is designed to work with IBM's upcoming 433 qubit or 1121 qubit quantum processors.

Regarding the IBM Quantum System Two, Dr. Jagan Betta, vice president of quantum computing at IBM, said, 'The IBM Quantum System Two is a future quantum where modularity and flexibility of the system infrastructure are the key to continuous scaling. A glimpse into the computing data center. '' IBM Quantum System Two leverages IBM's long tradition in both quantum computing and traditional computing to bring new innovations at all levels of the technology stack. ' It explains.

IBM says that 'modularity' is the most important point in IBM Quantum System Two. As IBM develops new quantum processors according to the hardware roadmap, it will be necessary to expand the control hardware and so on. Therefore, by making the system modular, it is possible to change or expand the control electronic devices and cooling mechanism as needed.

In addition, IBM Quantum System Two will incorporate next-generation qubit-controlled electronics along with high-density ultra-low temperature components and cables. 'We have a novel and innovative structural design that maximizes the required support hardware space so that engineers can access and maintain the hardware,' he said.

IBM Quantum System Two: Design Sneak Preview-YouTube

The prototype IBM Quantum System Two is scheduled to go live in 2023.

in Hardware,   Video, Posted by logu_ii