I drank a new sensation drink 'drinking pancake' that you can enjoy the intense sweetness and texture

Speaking of pancakes, it is a popular dessert characterized by its fluffy and soft dough, but Lawson has released a drink called 'Drinking Pancakes' that reproduces the taste of pancakes. It was a drink supervised by Happiness Project, which develops the pancake brand '

Happy Pancake ', so I actually drank it to see what kind of taste it had.

Pancakes to drink 190g | Lawson official website

Arrived at Lawson to get pancakes to drink.

The pancakes I was looking for were displayed next to

'Drinking Daigakuimo' ...

I bought it and brought it back. Pictures of pancakes and maple syrup are printed on the package of the pancakes to drink.

The name is soft drink, and sugar, sweetened egg yolk, wheat flour, dairy products, etc. are used as raw materials.

Calories are 144 kcal per bottle.

The pancakes you drink are the type of drinks you drink with a straw, but I want to know what's inside, so I'll pour it into a glass.

The color is brown like dark milk tea. It does not contain large solids, and you can see a large number of dark and fine grains.

I will actually drink it. Shake well first ...

Point the straw.

When you actually drink the pancakes you drink, a liquid with a strong sweetness comes into your mouth. Along with the sweetness, you can also feel the acidity similar to rye bread and the flavor of maple syrup. However, when it comes to the flavor of pancakes, the taste is a little different, and other editorial staff also commented that it was not a pancake.

The package said, 'If you add Sujata (fresh coffee), you can enjoy the flavor like whipped cream topping.'

I prepared coffee fresh.

Turn the lid over and add coffee fresh.

When you add coffee fresh to the pancakes you drink, the muddy feeling and sweetness weaken and the mouth becomes refreshing. However, since it doesn't feel like pancakes in the first place, it's a taste that I can't think of as 'pancakes topped with whipped cream.'

The standard price of pancakes to drink is 198 yen including tax, and you can get them at Lawson.

in Tasting, Posted by log1o_hf