Donated a corpse for medical progress and used it to show off an anatomical show

It was reported that when a man's wife donated a body to fulfill the last wish of a man who died at the age of 98, it was unintentionally used for an anatomical show that can be visited by general participants.

Louisiana WWII vet's body dissected publicly, horrifying his widow who donated it for science | News |

Man donated his body to science; company sold $ 500 tickets to his dissection | Ars Technica

David Sanders, a veteran who died of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in Louisiana, USA, wants to provide his body as a training material for medical progress during his lifetime. bottom. His wife, Elsie, understood her husband's intention as 'the last patriotic act' and carried out that intention. Louisiana State University refused because the body was COVID-19 positive, so we donated to Med Ed Labs, a private organization established for the purpose of 'medical and surgical education.'

However, Med Ed Labs sells David's body to

Death Science , a media company that 'sciences death.' Death Science used it for an 'anatomical show' where not only medical professionals but also the general public can participate with a ticket of up to $ 500 (about 57,000 yen).

When a journalist who secretly participated in the dissection show confirmed the name of the body and told Mr. Elsie the facts, Mr. Elsie was scared. 'It's horrifying, unethical, and indescribable. I have documents that determine that the body will be used for science, but nothing about its commercial use,' Elsie said in an interview. I don't know. '

'I believed Death Science would use the body for medicine. The use of Death Science's body is dishonest,' said the head of Med Ed Labs. 'Med Ed Labs said , I should have been fully aware that the bodies would be used in events that non-medical students would attend. ' Death Science also said, 'This show was definitely educational, not entertainment.'

Elsie wants to return the body.

in Posted by log1p_kr