A giant banana-colored catfish is caught

There are many strange fish on the earth, such as
Fisherman Boats Beautiful Yellow Catfish | Field & Stream
Extremely rare, bright-yellow catfish caught in the Netherlands | Live Science
This time, Mr. Gratz caught a Wels catfish that lives mainly in European rivers. Wels Catfish is body length 2.7m, also a huge population of body weight 130kg confirmed in a large freshwater fish that is, common individuals, the back side can be seen the yellow spots on the green to blackish, belly side is a white or pale yellow Is known to be.

However, the Wels catfish caught by Mr. Gratz has a bright yellow banana-like back and a white ventral side. Mr. Gratz commented on the situation when he caught a banana-colored Wels catfish: 'The response when I caught it was comparable to when I caught a large Northern Pike , but the moment I saw the color of the fish I caught, I panicked. I did. '

Live Science, a scientific media outlet, states that the Wels catfish is thought to be

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in Creature, Posted by log1o_hf