Evidence of Vikings settling in North America 1000 years ago is found, about 500 years before Columbus arrived

Archaeological teams such as Groningen in the Netherlands and the National Parks Authority of Canada have announced that they have found evidence that the Vikings of Scandinavia settled in the Americas in 1021 AD, 1000 years ago. This evidence could rewrite the history of humankind from Europe to the Americas.

Evidence for European presence in the Americas in ad 1021 | Nature


Breakthrough Discovery Shows Vikings Were Active in North America 1,000 Years Ago

The Vikings are famous for their settlement in Greenland , but it is said that they actually extended to the northeastern margin of North America, and from Newfoundland Island , which is actually located on the east coast of Canada, before the landing of Columbus. Many traces have been found indicating that the Vikings had landed in Canada.

Viking Ruins Discovered on an Island in Eastern Canada | National Geographic Japan Site

However, the traces left by the Vikings on Newfoundland only suggest a rough age, and the narrowing down of 'the exact time the Vikings settled' could not be achieved. The new archaeological team, led by the University of Groningen, is a metal not used by the indigenous peoples of the region, excavated from L'Anse aux Meadows, a site in the northwestern part of Newfoundland where many traces of the Vikings were left. Using the radiocarbon dating method on a piece of wood with traces of tools, it can be seen that there are traces of 'increased radiocarbon in the atmosphere' that occurred on a global scale due to the effects of the solar storm that occurred between 992 and 993 AD. I found it.

L'Anse aux Meadows, which was discovered this time, is located in the red frame below.

Below is a piece of wood that uses the radiocarbon dating method.

The annual rings that can be confirmed when expanded are like this.

Converting this increase in atmospheric radiocarbon concentration as a standard, it is said that the tree that was the source of the problematic piece of wood was cut down in '1021 AD'. Research authors argue that this specific age of 1021 AD is a specific reference point for Europeans to settle in the United States, and traces of solar storms in radiocarbon dating are archeology of settlement activity and cultural exchange. He said it could help identify the exact age of the traces.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log