First evidence of cannabis being used in ancient Middle Eastern religious ceremonies

Evidence was found on altars in ancient Middle Eastern ruins that 'cannabis' was used as a religious ritual. There are examples of cannabis being used as a center for religious ceremonies throughout the world, but this is the first time it has been reported to be used by the Judas of the ancient Middle East.
Full article: Cannabis and Frankincense at the Judahite Shrine of Arad
Cannabis was used for religious rites at a biblical site in Israel, study finds | Us World News | 8d4ddb9999ab.html

In 1963, two altars made of limestone were found in the Judas cathedral in the ruins of Tel Arad. It is believed that this shrine was the place to pray to Yahweh , the only God in the Old and New Testaments.
The excavated altar was then stored in the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, but a new study analyzed the altar and found that hemp and frankincense were detected in the altar. This is the first time cannabis has been discovered in ancient Middle Eastern ruins.
'It is already known that hallucinating substances and materials for religious ecstasy were used around the ancient Orient and in many cultures of the world. The discovery of cannabis from a public place of worship of the Judas tells us something new about the worship of the Judas,' said the curator of the Israel Museum. Said Elan Ally.
The Tel Arad archaeological site was discovered during excavation work carried out between 1962 and 1967, and it is believed that the upper part of the hill was a sacred place and the lower part of the city was a garrison or citadel. I will .

Research has found two overlapping fortresses, believed to have been built between the 9th and early 6th century BC. The cathedral is located in the northwestern part of the fortress, and is roughly divided into 'a storage room on the north side of the courtyard', 'a main hall and storeroom in the western part of the courtyard', and ' inside office on the west side of the main hall'. This from the previous survey Cathedral cage Miratete to have been made in 715 circa BC 750 years, altar sanctuary 'Holy of Holies (in the far back of the temple Holy of Holies has been thought that it was).'

This time, researchers newly took samples from the altar. Liquid chromatography and gas chromatography was analyzed two in a manner that, from the collected samples cannabidiol - tetrahydrocannabinol - cannabinoid active ingredient of cannabis such has been detected. Fatty acids that appeared to be of animal origin were also detected in the sample, which means that there was mammalian faeces. When cannabis and mammalian faeces are burned at the same time, the flames burn slowly and at low temperatures, suggesting a collective inhalation, researchers speculate.
Frankincense, also known as frankincense , is a resin secreted by Boswellian trees. Frankincense is used as a herbal medicine for the purpose of analgesia and hemostasis, but it is also used as an incense in the Middle East and is described in the Bible as well as being treated as a 'fragrance dedicated to Christ.'
Mr. Allie says that if only the 'smell' is aimed at, it is sufficient to burn the sage instead of the cannabis.The purpose of burning the cannabis is not the 'smell' like Frankincense, but the 'ecstasy' and 'hallucinating effect'. I think that it is in mental activation.
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