Intel thoroughly dissipates Apple's Mac with a movie that says 'break Apple's curse', but the movie has a lot of low ratings

Apple has long adopted Intel processors for Macs, but in 2020 announced

Apple Silicon, a proprietary processor. As a result, Apple made a break with the Intel processor, but Intel released a movie called 'Breaking the Spell: Social Experiment ' and released a movie called 'PC with Intel processor'. Mac 'is being compared.

Breaking the Spell: Social Experiment | Intel --YouTube

'When new technologies emerge, many Apple fans choose only Apple products, so we've shown Apple fans some innovative products from some companies,' Intel wrote. As you can see from the title of the movie, 'Unlocking the Curse: Social Experiment', this movie shows Apple fans a product of another company and conducted a social experiment to 'Unlock the Curse'.

When asked which manufacturer's product they usually use, everyone says 'Apple'.

Experiment 1: Would you like to customize your computer?

'It would be great if you could do that,' 'I think it's the worst that you can't add more memory (RAM) when you buy a computer with the wrong configuration,' said Apple Mac users. Can be done.

'Then I'd like to show you about customization,' said the man ...

A movie that users can freely customize a PC equipped with an Intel processor in front of Apple fans will be played.

Apple fans who watch the movie while nodding, say, 'Like,' 'Thank you for being able to do that,' and 'I'm so excited!'

Experiment 2: Do you want to play more games on your laptop?

Number counting starts ...

It will be appealing if you can play more than 57,000 titles of games.

When a man said, 'What if you could play these games on one device?', Apple fans said, 'Wow!', 'I'm excited!', 'Children are delighted.' go up.

Experiment 3: What's missing from your laptop?

Apple fans all say 'touch screen.'

Experiment 4: What about two touch screens?

In response to the question 'Is that possible?'

A man who appeals to a laptop with an Intel processor like

the ZenBook Duo , which has a touch screen on the top half of the keyboard. In addition, 'Both of these displays are compatible with 4K and touch screens,' he said.

This does not block Apple fans' open mouth with 'Wow ...'.

Experiment 5: What if your laptop turns into a tablet?

'It would be great if you could carry everything together,' 'I want to combine an iPad and a laptop,' 'If a laptop and tablet fit in one device, it's pretty cool.' Apple fans who talk to each other.

On the other hand, a man showing off

a 2 in 1 notebook PC equipped with an Intel processor.

'I really like it!' 'How convenient!' 'If you do this on my device, it will break.' Apple fans are screaming.

Experiment 6:

One more thing

'What if you could get a laptop that did everything you talked about today?' 'But this isn't an Apple product. It's a PC with an Intel processor,' a man tells Apple fans.

'Does this really exist?'

Apple fans skeptical, 'Seriously?'

We showed off a Windows-equipped PC equipped with an Intel processor. Then, Apple fans said, 'Wow!', 'It's really beautiful', 'I'll buy it with a debit card', 'I'm really surprised', and I was released from Apple's curse.

About this movie Overseas media

The Verge said, 'Intel has recreated a terrible advertisement.' 'The technology that Intel claims to be' new technology 'and' innovation 'is almost all old.' 'Intel is made by competitor AMD. We are also proud of the technology that can be seen on laptops equipped with Intel chips. '' Who can be convinced by watching a movie full of people who behave as if they have never seen a computer? ' Note and criticize Intel's movie.

Published on October 4, 2021, this movie has been played about 71,000 times at the time of writing the article, with 1237 high ratings and 2634 low ratings.

In addition, Intel has released commercials that dissipate Macs in the past.

Intel releases a large number of commercials that dissipate Macs to 'Mac CM performers' --GIGAZINE

in Hardware,   Video, Posted by logu_ii