'Archive.org Serendipity' that randomly plays 78 rpm records

The Internet Archive not only stores content on the Internet, but also digitizes and stores various contents. Archive.org Serendipity allows you to randomly play and listen to a collection of
Archive.org Serendipity: Search and Stream Selections from the 78rpm Collection
The site looks like this and is very simple.

Click 'Play / Skip' to randomly play one song from the 78 rpm records stored in the Internet Archive. Click it again to get another song.

An estimated 3 million records were created between 1898 and the 1950s on 78-turn records. Those that did not have any commercial problems
'Great 78 Project' to digitize and archive valuable 78 rpm records --GIGAZINE

So far, about 360,000 78 rpm records have been collected and digitized by the Internet Archive. If you want to listen to any record, you can refine it on the Internet Archive site to find the record.
78 RPMs and Cylinder Recordings: Free Audio: Free Download, Borrow and Streaming: Internet Archive

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