What are the slight improvements in titles and thumbnails needed to earn views on YouTube?

Even if you post a video on YouTube, it may not play at all due to the title or thumbnail.

The educational YouTube channel Veritasium , which has more than 9.9 million subscribers, explains how to devise titles and thumbnails to increase the number of videos played on YouTube.

Clickbait is Unreasonably Effective --YouTube

Veritasium released a movie on YouTube in 2015 titled 'Throwing a backspinned basketball from the top of a dam.' The movie has been featured in numerous media outlets and has been played 16.3 million times a week after it was posted. However, most of this number of views was played on the article page of each media, and the number of views on the YouTube platform was very small.

Veritasium is due to the small number of playback on YouTube platform of the movie of the problem, the movie title is 'Strange Applications of the Magnus Effect (

Magnus effect lies in the fact was something very difficult to understand that strange application of)' He points out that titles and thumbnails are very important for earning views on YouTube.

According to Applications, YouTube at the beginning of the service emphasized 'increasing subscribers' in order to increase the number of views.

At that time, YouTube earned a lot of views by saying, 'A user who knows the existence of a movie on an external site plays the movie on YouTube and becomes a fixed user by subscribing to the channel.'

However, YouTube began to feel the risk of relying on inflows from external sites, and repeated specification changes so that user behavior was completed only on the YouTube platform.

Furthermore, due to the change in YouTube specifications, it has become easier to play movies other than the registered channels, and it has become difficult to establish the situation that 'If you increase the number of subscribers, the number of views will naturally increase.'

As a result, a technique called 'clickbait ' that includes content that interests users in YouTube titles and thumbnails has begun to become popular. According to Veritasium, Clickbait has multiple meanings. Therefore, Veritasium calls clickbait, which means to convey the main content of the content to the user in a concise manner, as 'type 1 clickbait' ...

Clickbait that contains expressions that intentionally deceive the user or exaggerate the content is called 'type 2 clickbait'.

This type 2 clickbait includes, for example, '9 out of 10 Americans misunderstand this fact' and 'I gave my child scissors. What happened next?' increase.

Veritasium prepares a distribution map of 'attention-grabbing expressions' on the horizontal axis and 'misleading expressions and exaggerated expressions' on the vertical axis to classify clickbaits ...

We have positioned the Type 2 Clickbait above as the most eye-catching and most exaggerated expression.

Veritasium points out that Type 2 Clickbait, which is extremely attention-grabbing and misleading, is easy to get a backlash from users. In addition, he argues that it is desirable to use Type 1 Clickbait to earn YouTube playback.

In addition, Veritas says that the meanings of type 1 click bait and type 2 click bait are too far apart, so type 1 click bait is 'Legitbait' and type 2 click bait is 'Clicktrap' 'Cricktrik ( We propose to call it by names such as 'Click Trick', 'Linktrap', and 'Dupechute'.

Veritas also states that the line between Type 1 Clickbait and Type 2 Clickbait is ambiguous, and it should be noted that people perceive it differently.

Veritasium uses the same amount of effort as editing a movie to create thumbnails and titles that appeal to users but don't create antipathy.

Furthermore, in recent years, YouTube has released a viewer analysis tool for movies, which has revolutionized thumbnail creation.

By analyzing the number of viewers, it became possible to try multiple thumbnails in order and select the thumbnail that tends to increase the number of viewers.

Veritasium shows the effect of changing the title and thumbnail using the movie posted by himself as an example. For example, in a movie that explains that 'asteroids cause great damage to the earth' ...

Despite being rated as 'the best movie ever in Veritasium' by the people around us, the increase in views was slower than expected.

So Veritasium added the text 'What can we do?' To the title of the movie. However, the number of views did not improve.

So Veritas changed the thumbnails significantly and changed the title to a simple one, 'Theese Are The Asteroids To Worry About.'

As a result, the number of views has increased rapidly, and it has become a very popular movie that has been played more than 10 million times.

By adopting the method of 'changing the title and thumbnail after the movie is released' in this way, the movie released by Veritasium will have two peaks of playback numbers, 'immediately after release' and 'after changing the title and thumbnail'. became.

It is said that changing the title and thumbnail will be effective even after a while after the movie is released.

In addition, Veritasium explains the points to keep in mind when deciding the title of the movie. For example, if you give a movie that explains the unsolved math problem '

Collatz Conjecture ' the title 'Collatz Conjecture', the movie can only be played by 'people who are interested in the Collatz Conjecture'. I will end up. Therefore, a title that appeals to those who do not know the existence of the Collatz problem, 'This simple math problem has not yet been solved by anyone,' is more appropriate.

However, it is not always the case that it is easy to determine the appropriate title as described above. In fact, with two simple titles, 'You Are NOT a Visual Learner' (A) and 'The Biggest Myth in Education' (B). When we conducted a questionnaire on the thumbnail, 'Which one is more interesting?', B was overwhelmingly dominant, contrary to Veritasium's expectation that 'votes are evenly divided.'

Veritasium has referred to the advice of many experts in order to create titles and thumbnails that are appealing to many and not disappointing. As a result, the movie titled 'Strange Applications of the Magnus Effect' at the beginning is ...

The title has been changed to 'Backspin Basketball Flies Off Dam' and the thumbnails are also easy to understand as 'Backspin basketball and drop it under the dam'. It was changed to.

By changing the title and thumbnail, Veritas has appealed that the number of movie views has continued to increase steadily even after the rapid increase at the time of release.

in Web Service,   Video, Posted by log1o_hf