What is the mechanism by which ants efficiently dig complex nests?

Much research has been done on ants, and it has become clear
Unearthing real-time 3D ant tunneling mechanics | PNAS
The science of ants' underground cities | EurekAlert!
Study: Ants create stable tunnels in nests, much like humans play Jenga | Ars Technica
Ants dig into the ground to create nests of complex structures. The research team observed ants nesting to see if they were digging while thinking about how to dig a tunnel when building their nests, or if they were digging randomly. José Leandrode, a member of the research team, said, 'We hypothesized that ants could avoid'the point where they would collapse if they dug', like playing Jenga.' 'We assumed that ants were on the ground. I thought I was hitting the grains of sand as I dug inside and assessing the magnitude of the force exerted on each grain. '
The research team bred ants (Pogonomyrmex occidentalis ) to a suitable number for observation for nearly a year, then put the ants in a cup filled with soil to make a nest, and the ants dug using X-rays. I visualized the shape of the nest. As a result, it became clear that the ants dig the soil mainly in a straight line and dig a lot of positions facing the cup.

'It makes sense for ants to dig straight into the soil because the straight line is the shortest path between the two points,' Andrade said. 'Ant spends on digging by using the sides of the cup. You can save yourself some physical strength and dig into the ground very efficiently, 'he said, considering that ants are making nesting as efficient as possible.
Next, the research team visualized the magnitude and direction of the force of each soil particle in the cup, and applied the underground force before and after the ants dug the soil (left) and after digging (right). I compared the conditions. As a result, it was found that even after the ants dug, the balance between the particles in the ground was maintained and the nest was kept in a state where it was difficult to collapse.

The study reveals that ants are digging holes efficiently while maintaining a balance to prevent nest collapse. However, Mr. Andrade said, 'I found that ants are not digging holes while thinking about the structure of the nest, but they are digging according to some law,' and the hypothesis that ants are digging holes while thinking. Is denied.
Also, according to Andrade, the law that determines the route for digging ants' soil is formed by the fact that the entire ant population behaves like a single brain, not just the ants alone. Andrade said, 'Ali is superorganism dig a hole while following the law as. That is either action program has spread how the whole multiple of ants of the brain, we are able not of the natural world wonder explanation,' says the, the future Also states that he will continue his research to elucidate the laws that ants use to build their nests.
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