A genealogy that shows what kind of OS has been developed & how it was derived is released

Operating Systems: Timeline and Family Tree
More than 830 OSs are listed in the genealogy, and it is said that it includes OSs that are so old that most people have never heard of, and even those that are delicate whether they are included in the OS by definition. However, it does not cover hobbies and small embedded systems, and it does not list all distributions of Linux , Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD), and Solaris.
Looking at the genealogy, the year when the OS was first born was 1951. One of them is LEO iOS, which was developed based on a computer called EDSAC developed by the University of Cambridge, and in 1951, it ran the world's first business application.

The programs 'Share / 43' and 'Share / 7' built into

Around 1954,

Many mainframe operating systems were developed in the 1960s and 1980s, many of which were used on IBM mainframes.

The most prominent in the genealogy is UNIX, which was first developed at AT & T 's Bell Labs in 1969. Over half a century since its development, various derivations and sub-systems have been born, and there are many Unix-likes that have been officially certified and Unix-likes that have not been certified.
This is the genealogy including all the derivations from UNIX.

Since the release of Unix-like BSD in 1977, various variants have appeared, and the OS installed in PlayStation is also a fork of

In addition, Apple's macOS,

Another Unix is

Launched by IBM and Microsoft in 1987,

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in Software, Posted by log1h_ik